Chapter 7

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"So that's the end of my presentation...thankyou" lisa bow and all the students give a big clap for her echoing the whole class.jennie look at her proudly and give a 'you did well' smile with a thumbs up

The teacher get up from her chair and went to lisa "that's really good lisa , keep up the good work" the teacher compliment making lisa nod shyly "thankyou mrs lim"

"So class , that's all for today because i have a sudden meeting came up..we'll meet again in the next class" all of the students stand up and bow to the teacher as she leave the soon as the door closed , the girls went to lisa surround her in a circle

"Lis!that's amazing!i'm sure you'll get a high marks again" joy said while holding lisa's hand but not that long when a girl slightly slap her hand away

"No need to hold her hand geez..don't you see lisa get uncomfortable ?" Sana shoot a glare at joy.lisa sigh knowing where this thing will be going to.she glance at jennie who's sitting on her seat while watching the girls sharply.

"She's not , idiot..just say that you're jealous because you can't hold her hand like this" joy said and cling onto lisa's arm making the girl flinch.all the  other girls gasp and quickly grab her off from lisa.lisa close her eyes and sigh heavily..seeing that , jennie immediately get up and went to the crowd

"Back off" jennie scoff while glaring deathly at the girls.all of them turn their attention to jennie and almost half of them immeadiately back away from lisa except for joy who are still cling onto lisa's arm while exchange glare with sana.jennie roll her eyes and pull lisa's arm away from them

Joy look at her and huff "hey!"

"What?" Jennie raise her one eyebrow.lisa squeez her hand telling her to just let it slide but the short girl didn't mind gulp getting nervous under jennie's stare and wandered her eyes around the class

"Listen here girls , just because of lisa didn't say anything to you doesnt means that she likes what you guys were doing to her..know your limit guys" jennie said but suddenly one of the girls scoff

"You have no right to tell us what we should do , who are you by the way?her parents? her girlfriend?you are only one of her friends just like us too so know your limit too bitch" Sunmi said sarcastically making jennie clench her jaw.before jennie got to say anything , lisa cutt her off

"Watch your words sunmi , don't you dare calling her a bitch when you're the one who act like one right now.we've known each other for years and i'm not consider her as just a 'friend' only..she's more than that so she have right to interfere in my business" lisa said seriously while giving sunmi a cold look.everyone in the class gasp and whisper each other as this was their first time to see lisa being like this.sunmi huff and shoot a glare to jennie before she storm out from the class.

"Damn lis you look hot when you're mad" wendy said and nudge her shoulder as the girls shyly nod agreeing with her..lisa giggles" Shut up wen"

Lisa look at jennie and give her a smile as jennie return it with a chuckle " thankyou" jennie said in whisper

"You two look so cute together , are you sure you guys are not in a relationship or something?" Wendy ask making jennie blush and look down on the floor "we're not ,, but maybe soon?" Lisa said jokingly making jennie give her a light punch on her chest "shut up idiot!" Jennie said while blushing.all the girls are laughing as they also find them cute to be together






Jennie POV

"Hey jen!what are you doing here?where's the others?" Hanbin ask me while look around trying to find the girls

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