Chapter 6

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"Good morning poopoo~" jennie stretch her arms and smile widely as she hug the brown plush as close as possible to her.she giggles and hold the bear up

"You're so cute , and fluffy too..i had a very nice sleep last night because of you , thankyou poopoo~" jennie said in baby voice.people who see the view might think that she has a mental problem for talking with the bear alone in the room


Her phone give a notification as jennie quickly take it and open the message

Lili🙈 : nini open the door!i'm in front of your house

Jennie widen her eyes and quickly throw her phone on the bed as she quickly went to the living room to meet soon as she open the door, jennie was greeted by a tall girl wearing a white sweatshirt and blue jeans  with a bright smile on her face.the smile that can make her day become much more better than before.there's something in lisa's smile that can make everyone fell in love with her.her smile is sincere and beautiful..jennie never denied about that and sometimes she also feel her heart fluttered everytime she recieve that kind of smile from lisa

"Done checking me out ms kim?" Lisa said teasingly making jennie back to her sense and quickly look away

"Tsk , i'm not...why are you here anyway?it's still early" jennie said while rubbing her eyes since she just got up from her sleep.lisa laugh and come closer to jennie as she fix her hair softly.jennie's hair were mess but lisa always thought that jennie look hot with that messy hair.

"Looks like i'm interrupted someone's sleep" lisa said with a laugh as she still fixing jennie's hair.after she done she take one step to the back and look at jennie

"Perfect" lisa said with a click tounge and smile after that making her blush

"I'm s-sorry..i just woke up and suddenly i received your message saying that you already here so i didn't have time to fix myself first" jennie said and step aside letting lisa to get in

"It's okay , you still look beutiful" lisa said earning a giggles from jennie " it's still early but you already got to make my heart flutter" jennie replied and sit beside lisa on the couch

"Really?then i'll say that everyday to you , i'll tell you that you're beautiful everyday everynight every second and every hours" lisa wiggle her eyebrow making both of them crack into laughter

"Geez..such a flirt" jennie roll her eyes playfully

"By the way , i came her because i have nothing to do at home..and beside i'm craving to eat your cook"lisa smile sheepishly while making her cheek become puffy trying to flatter the short girl.

" i won't cook for you" jennie tease

"Nini please~ i'm hungry.."lisa pout.jennie bit her lips trying to suppressed her smile and clear her throat

"No"  she said firmly but feel bad when she saw lisa's face dropped as she slowly nod

"Okay..i'll go buy us a breakfast then" lisa said and get up from the couch but jennie quickly grab her shirt and hug her from behind "lili i'm joking ~ of course i'll cook for you"

lisa tilt her head a little and grin "i'm good at acting right?" She said making jennie look at her in disbelief and punch her shoulder lightly "you really annoying" she groan





"Can you pass me the salt lis?" Jennie point to the salt as lisa immediately grab it and give it to her

"Hmm~it smell good" lisa drool at the sight of delicious kimchi fried rice that jennie cook for her.she really mean it when she said that she's craving for jennie's cook..when she get bored eating instant noodles everyday she will come here to ask jennie to cook something for her.lisa knows how to cook actually , but she's too lazy to prepare the food because she said it's boring to cook when there's no one with her..she need a company.after a while, jennie turn off the fire and place the food on the bowl as lisa quickly take it and bring it to the table.jennie wash her hands and walk to the table while taking off her apron and place it on the table

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