Chapter 21

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Lisa POV

"lisa here!" Irene grab my hand dragging me to the store

We've been walking in this mall for an hour.we also play an arcade for a while since it's been a long time since i last played first i just want to play for a minutes but end up we played it for an hour.after done playing , irene ask me to watch a movie which i didn't want to but irene keep pleading so i have no choice

"Yah don't drag me geez..i can walk by myself"

"You're too slow" she mock.i roll my eyes and sit on the bench.

i'm glad i'm not wearing a heels today or else i'm sure my legs will get far today is kind of fun , irene never change , she's still the same irene that i know.the way she treat me and the way she look at me are still the same as 4 years ago

"Lisaa do you think i'll look good in this one?" I lift my head up and my eyes widen when the dress she show me is the same dress that i ever bought for jennie before.i blink my eyes for few times and clear my throat

"'s pretty but how about you take the other dress?it's kind of look a mean.." i scratch my nape ss i don't know what to say.irene chuckle and tap my head

"Okay okay i got you , i'll take another dress" she said and went to the other side searching for more clothes.i get up from the bench and take back the dress that irene just showed me , i frown

"Did you really need to be here?i was literally trying to not think about her today but because of you i suddenly remember about her" i muttered and angryly hang it back on it place

"Lisa?is this look good on me?" Irene show me as she already wear the black dress.

"Oh it's fine" i said while still looking at the dress but suddenly , irene walk closer to me and lift my chin up

"So does this dress are enough to make you fall for me again?" She smirk while looking straight into my eyes.i gulp nervously and averted my eyes from her gaze

"Hahaha lisa chill!i'm just joking" irene laugh and slap my shoulder.i laugh nervously

"Let's pay this" irene said and eent to the counter

"I'll wait outside then" i said but i saw she look at me with a disappointed look before she stomp her feet heading to the counter.i raise my eyebrow feeling confuse

After done buying her clothes , we went to the cinema and i facepalm when irene choose a romantic movie for us to watch.i want to watch a horror or action movies but i won't waste my saliva to argue with this girl.i hold our popcorn and my drink at the other hand.when i found our seat , i call irene at the back who's still searching our seat number.suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket , i take it out and i got a message from chaeyoung and 8 missed calls from jennie

Chipmunk 🐿  : yah!where are you?look at the time it's already late monkey.jennie is so worried about you

I sigh heavily.i did tell chaeyoung and jisoo that i went out with irene and of course i get scolded from chaeyoung , but i don't know if jennie knew about it or not

Me : did she ask you about me?did you told her that i went out with irene?

Chipmunk 🐿 : she went to your house and you're not there so she called me asking where you at , so i just tell her that you went out with irene

Me : she came to my place?alone?!by herself?!yah chipmunk i told you to not let her walk too much!

Chipmunk 🐿 : i'm sorry~ i was with jisoo earlier and suddenly she call me asking me about you.please come home quick

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