Chapter 1 - The Letter

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(Unknown's pov)
Walking through a dimly lit forest. Walking through thick mud.
Walking through Hell. LITERELLY.
'Oh, why does it have to be so cold in hell. Shouldn't it be warm?' I thought as I wrapped my bare arms around my waste in hope of some warmth, as I only have a blue short sleeved top and white skinny jeans on. I also have no shoes on as no one wares shoes in the underworld ever. So I feel like my feet are in blocks of ice and with me walking threw mud as well, with it all mushy and gross eww. They didnt tell me it was going to be cold, but I guess I should have expected it. I mean they did drop me in a forest in hell. They are usually cold, I read it in a book once. I looked at my hands which are going paler by the second and the ends of my fingers are turning blue. However, the scar on my left hand that I was born with and that went from my middle finger to my palm, is still the same purplely red colour it always is. In the forest the trees are all pitch black and I could only see as there were little rays of red sunlight coming through. And yes the sun is red in Hell. (just go with it)
Oh wait, how rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Andy with no last name given as we dont use it, in heven or Hell. It's considered rude or whatever I dont know. Anyway If you haven't guessed yet, I am an angel and I was sent to Hell to deliver an imortant message.

*Flash back*
I walked up the white steps to the temple of angels and opened the door and closed it swiftly afterwards. I saw my father sat at the only desk in the small room, that is lit by candle light. The room had white walls and pastel yellow curtains typical to Heaven as all the houses look like this here. No bright colours only white and pastel colours. I think it's kinda boring if you ask me but, no one does though I'm not important. Anyway my father's blonde hair is falling in the way of his eyes as he reads though the book of soulmates. A soulmate is someone who you are destined to be with, you can tell who your soulmates is by the similar yet significant and sometimes odd, trate you share. For example you both have a scar or birthmark in the same place, or you have the same unnatural eye colour. Heaven was entitled to have this book, as we couldn't trust the people in Hell. The book tells of all soulmates who are destined to be together, even if they haven't met them yet. There is a section for Heven and a section for Hell, and all it says is the two names of the soulmates and the date they will meet. In my opinion it is better to meet them sooner rather than later so you can live out your lives together, even if we are immortal it's still good to meet them as soon as possible. But most people find them when they are 18 and I've just turned 18 but no sign of my soulmate or my letter yet. Yes we still age in Heaven or Hell, as we are born into an angel or demon/ devil. (Just to let you know demons are girls of Hell and devils are boys of Hell.)

But we can die from a rare red plant that is found in Heaven. It's quite sad for me because this is how my mother died. She was poisoned by the plant after they found out she was having an affair with a devil. She died after she gave birth to me, and no I am not a half bread the devil was not my father. Anyway If you are wondering why my father is looking in this book, well, he is the keeper of the book and he is the one to look at all the dates, then to alert the angel council of the temple, on which date is coming up. The angel council makes all the rules in Heaven.
"Oh my lord, this is so rare." My father said perplexed. He rubbed his face and looked up, his blue eyes going wide as he saw me.
"Oh Andrew my boy, well come in." He said and I walked in further.
"You summoned me father?" I asked as I stood in front of his desk.
"Yes son I did, I need to speak with the angel council on a rare find in this book, after we have established that it is true and the date is today, you will have to take a letter to Hell."
"Oh why there father, why me and what is the letter about?" I asked
"Because it has to be delivered there my son and it has to be you, also the letter is confidential so stop being a curious angel. Now I'm going to talk to the council, wait here." He said and he picked up the book that was open on a certain page and took it to the door behind him and he knocked twice.

A small but firm come in was heard from the other side and he opened it and shut the door behind him. I have never been in that room, but I know it is massive and the four angel councillors are in there, they are the wisest angels there is, and they keep track on the laws in Heaven and send knew ones to my lord God himself to check them, once he agrees then it becomes a rule and is announced to everyone by letters, thats how it works. Angel counillors also keep an eye on Hell and send letters to soulmates all across Heaven and Hell saying to meet at a certain time and place to meet their soulmate.
But they usually send the letters by angel mail, so why do they need me to deliver it. And to Hell of all places just why?
A little while later the handle on the conference door went down and my dad walked back in still holding the book on the same page, he placed the book on the desk carefully and looked at me a bit surprised. Did he forget I was here?
"It's true, I cant believe that son, I thought it would be a misprint but oh well, you need to take this letter." My father held up a rolled up bit of parchment with a white ribbon around it, and held it out to me.

I took the letter and snapped my fingers so the paper became invisible and I put it in my pocket. This is how angels carry important letters if they dont want them to be stolen, I'm going to Hell after all, it's full of thieves.
"Right son, I will inform Hell of your coming and transport you to the forest of Hell, there should be no one there as they are having a party, I will see you whenever I see you. Now dont get into trouble and be yourself. Goodbye my son." Father said as he walked up to me putting his arms around me in the process and embracing me in a warm father son hug. I was so confused what does he mean goodbye? I'm coming back right? Then he let go, snapped his fingers in front of my face and the world around me melted away and I was left standing in a forest.
*end of flash back*
I kept my head down and played that last part of the memory again and again in my head as I walked. What does he mean I will see you when I see you? Why did he say goodbye like I am not going to see him again? Why not just say see you soon? I am so confused, does he not think I can do this task and make it back to Heaven, is this a bad idea? Ok Andy breath, breath. I calm myself down. Well atleast there is no one in the forest, he got that right.

I looked up and was astonished by the big black castle up ahead, very fancy. Heaven doesnt have castles we only have the temple. I guess demons and devils like to live like royalty. I bet inside the castle is black too. Hell tends to have black and red everywhere, it's like their signature colours, like Heaven's is white and pastel yellow, the total opposite. As I got closer to the castle I felt warmer and I wasn't cold anymore, I also could hear music coming from the castle. I bet the party is wild with all them demons in there. Every step I took I got warmer and warmer. I dont like how warm I am getting it's too hot. When I reached the castle I felt like I was walking on fire every step hurt and I bet I must have looked quite funny with the way I walked. I quickly snapped my fingers so the heat doesnt affect my bare feet so I can walk normally again. Then I realised something. Where are the guards to guard this castle? Hmm I guess they're either having a good time or the owner of this castle doesn't think they will be robbed. Who would rob Hell anyways?
I walked through the open black gate and saw a black wall and of course the loud pumping music coming out of the speakers. In Heaven we only have slow calming music but this is more my style. But really where is everyone, I can here them but I cant see them. All I see is this huge wall, like why is there a wall here? Suddenly I heard talking and footsteps coming closer. Oh no I can't let them see me, oh what to do?


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