Chapter 31- Found Him

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(Rye's POV)
We set off, me, Brook and Jack. We started our journey to the end of Hell. We passed a lot of demons and devils, they all looked quite worried and scared. But I dont blame them, I am angry. Angry with myself for not seeing the the truth. Angry and worried about the state my soulmate would be in when I find him. But most importantly angry with the sorcerer for doing this, and her sentence will take place soon dont worry. All this anger and I just couldnt help it, my inner devil came out. My red eyes also out, for all to see.
Brook was also quite impatient to find Andy as I was. They have been friends since, I dont know how long, so I understand. Jack on the other hand, although he did help me find out where Andy is. We all know he is here to accompany Brook.
We trekked past all the play grounds and school, all the swimming pools, all the trees of the dark forest. Until we could trekk no more.
In front of us stood the lonely dungeon. It's tall slender, cylinder grey brick walls tower up into the sky, with only the wooden heavy door at the bottom. No windows.

We entered and started our climb up the cold stone steps, with the walls closing in on us.
Once we reached the top, we found ourselves at another door, we didn't have time to catch our breath though. We immediately tried to open it, but it wouldnt move an inch. We each had a go at pulling and yanking on the door, but no nothing.
"Come on Rye, this is what is stopping you from being with Andy again." Jack said. I know what he is trying to do, anyone who can see, can see my red eyes. He knows my devil is out, he is trying to get me more angry so I would break the door down. But he would have to do better than that to get me more angry than this.
"Yes come on Rye, it's your soulmate we're talking about." Brook said getting at what Jack is doing. "Think about Andy, your soulmate how do you think he is now?" Brook asked me.

"Yes he is behind this door Rye, he could be freezing, he could be starving, he could be DEAD Ryan!" Jack said making my knuckles go white from my tight raging fists."What would Andy think about you Rye, he would think you are an idiot, he would think you dont love him. This is the only thing that is stopping you from reaching him, a single stupid door and you cant even open it, you cant even do that!" Jack shouting making me so unbelievably angry that I turned around I kicked the door as hard as I could making the door burst open. Revealing the one person we all wanted to see. Andy.
He was sleeping on the stone floor. He looked so thin, he looked like a skeleton with all his bones showing. He was also so white and he was shivering so much. I knelt down quickly, he hadn't even noticed us yet he was so weak. I touched his bare arm and he was as cold as ice.
"Andy my love." I whispered and he slowly opened his eyes and turned his head towards me. His eyebrows rose and his smile slowly appeared.
"R-Rye." He said dryly.
"Yes my baby its me, its us we are here." I said and we hugged and that's when I truly felt how cold he was. It was like I just wrapped my arms around ice. And as much as I wanted to heat him up with my warm hug, he was still shivering. I took my black hoodie off and wrapped it around him, slowly getting him up. He grabbed onto me as he shakingly stood on his feet. I put my hand on his cheek and he smiled a little wider. Fuck I missed him. I leaned in and kissed him passionately on the lips. It lasted a while, me not wanting to leave his lips not having kissed them properly in 2 months. However, some annoying person decided to clear their throught and interrupt us.

We turned seeing Brook and Jack stood there, Brook smiling and Jack looking annoyed. Oh I forgot they were here.
Andy smiled at them and Brook went in for a hug. It was nice seeing them hug for longer than we did, no I didn't feel jealous at all. Jack then came over and took Brook's hand.
"If we dont get out of here soon we are all going to freeze to death." He said and we laughed. I picked up Andy as he wrapped his legs around my hips, his arms going around my neck for support. And we started the long journey back to the castle.

Once we got back I put Andy on our bed and got him into some warm clothes. After I finished dressing him, I gave him a warm fluffy blanket and told him I was going to make him some food. I walked into the kitchen seeing Brook and Jack in there.
"Is he alright." Brook suddenly asked. He saw him in the dungeon and he needed food and warmth, what does he think I did when we got back? Leave him in the room with nothing?
"He is fine Brook, I put him in warm clothes and he is now on my bed snuggled in a blanket. Now I need to get him some food." I told him and he smiled nodding.
"What are you going to make him?" Jack asked me.
"I thought fire soup would be good as it would get him warm and feed him at the same time." I said. Fire soup is the same as normal soup we just heat it up a lot higher so it catches fire, then we just blow that away afterwards.
I started to cook up some soup. About half way through making it my dad walked in.
"Ah boys is Andy safe?" He asked us.
"Yes he is perfectly safe, I'm making fire soup for him." I replyed.
"Oh good, so what are you going to do with the sorcerer?" He asked.
"I think she shouldn't be allowed to live." Brook said.
"That's quite dark for an angel." My dad said to him amused.
"Yeah but she kidnapped my best friend and left him in the dungeon and then posed as him just because she wanted Rye to love her and be with her. That's not right." Brook said frustrated.
"You're right Brook, she shouldn't be allowed to get away with this, and we should do it in front of the whole of Hell so no one else gets the same idea she did." I said.

"Perfect so excision or burned alive?" My dad asked. Him coming up with all the fun questions today fuck. Also, yes these are pretty brutal punishments but here in Hell those are the only punishments we have.
"Um burned alive, it would put a lot more people off from doing what she did if the punishment was that great." I said and everyone agreed. My dad left after that getting the information he needed to set up the burning in a couple days. And I went back to the soup. When I was done, a little blue flame came out of the top. I took it into my chamber to see Andy asleep on my bed surrounded by blankets and pillows. Fuck he looks adorable, but he needs to eat. I put the bowl down and stood next to the bed. I kissed his ear, then his little nose, then his cheeks and finally his lips which he responded to and kissed back. It was a soft delicate kiss that I loved so much, I swept my tongue along his bottom lip and he granted me entrance. Deepening the kiss, I ended up climbing onto the bed for better access. His sweet and sour taste of rotten berries on my tongue, fuck I have missed that taste. I now just realised that I never got that taste when the sorcerer disguised herself as him. But I'm not thinking too much about that now, him and his kisses and love is all I would ever need.
I stopped the kiss and he pouted clearly wanting more, I chuckled at him.
"Sorry my love but I brought you some food." I said and got off the bed getting the bowl and blowing the fire away. He looked at it confused which I can understand, they only have regular soup in Heaven.
"Its fire soup, it's just a little hotter than regular soup but it's more tasty." I implied. He nodded and sat up while I sat opposite him. I took some soup onto the spoon, blowing on it before reaching out and putting it in his mouth. And like that I fed him the soup. When he finished I lay next to him and we fell asleep together, all the stress of finding him making me sleepy.
But I am so glad we found Andy, I dont know what I would have done if we didn't.

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