Chapter 8 - The Awkward Dinner

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(Andy's POV)
Oh no it's time. Time to see the big guy, the main devil. Satan. All day I have been in Ryan's bed dreading what's to come. We had a long lie-in which was nice and then I watched him go through the last few papers on his desk, which was interesting to watch and I have now discovered that I like watching him work, as he looks beautiful when he is concentrating. With regards to meeting the big devil himself I thought I could do this. However, now dinner has finally rolled around, I really don't want to see or speak with Ryan's father at all to be honest, but Ryan wants me too so I would do it, for him. Anyway if I didn't, his father would get angry with me and I don't want to get on his bad side, who knows what he would do to me. Rye has just changed and is now just helping me pick out some clothes that he thinks would be suitable (and as I am meeting the king of hell I need to look presentable) and then we will go. Oh lord give me strength.
"I think this black top with these black jeans would be fine." Rye said getting the items out of his black wardrobe. Oh god can it be anything but black, i mean I know we are in Hell, and all they wear is two coloured. But I'm an angel for crying out loud, obviously black is not my colour and I wouldn't be caught dead in it.
"Black?" I questioned him.
"Ok you don't want to wear all black well how about this red hoodie and these black jeans." He said trying to reason with me but he doesn't get it. I don't want to wear any black what's so ever, and the red just isn't helping.
"No you misunderstand, I don't want to wear any black at all and the red just looks like I've been shot and I'm wearing my blood." I said honestly.
"Shit you angels are so picky, there is no pleasing you. Agh fine wear... hmm this grey hoodie and matching grey jeans instead. Is that good enough for you?" He said getting angry at me.
"Hey don't get angry with me it would be exactly the same if I told you to wear all white." I said pulling the reverse card on him as I hit him on the chest which made him bite his bottom lips for some weird reason, but I just ignored that and grabbed the clothes he just suggested out of the cupboard.
"Agh." He groaned and looked angry as he clenched his fists. Oh I don't want him to be angry with me. Devils are scary when they get angry. Think Andy how do I make my soulmate not angry with me. I thought about giving him a kiss on the lips but I am not ready for that, what else could I do? Oh I know.
"But no this is great thank you." I said giving him a shy smile and I leaned up and kissed his cheek, which made him instantly relax and smile back at me. I like how he gets calm after I just touch him or kiss him once. It might come in handy later.
I snapped my fingers and the same yellow sparks flew around me, to change my clothes. Do you know that every angel's magic is a different colour so whereas mine is yellow my father's is blue. Oh you didn't know, well know you do you're welcome. My magic disappeared and the clothes that were in my hands moments ago where now on my body. The hoodie was a bit big as it was Ryan's, but the jeans fit alright, I thought as I looked down examining myself in the clothes. I looked back up to see Ryan staring at me with a toothy grin plastered on his face. What is he so smiley about? It looks kind of weird to see a devil smile this brightly not gonna lie, but he looks really cute when he smiles so I won't complain.
"What?" I asked with a laugh.
"Nothing its just... you look adorable in my clothes." He says admiring me up and down.
"Stop." I said and put my hands, that were covered with the long sleeves, to my now rosy cheeks from the embarrassment. And yes the sleeves are that long. I'm small ok.
"That just makes you look even more small and adorable." He says referencing to the sleeves covering my tiny hands.
"It just makes me want to hold you tight and never let go." He said as he wrapped me up in his arms tightly. I like this, it is warm and I love his hugs, but it's getting kinda hard to breath now.
"Can't breath Ryan." I said really struggling now. He let go and looked at me with an apologetic look.
"Breathing is a virtue you know." I said out if breath.
"Yeah I know you just looked so small and cuddly I'm sorry." He appologied as he kissed my cheek. "But let's get to that dinner, now just try to relax and be yourself I'll be beside you the whole time." He added trying to make me feel better about this god forsaken dinner. I just feel like something is going to happen, I mean an angel at an all devil dinner something is just bound to go wrong.
"Oh right yeah ok." I said taking a depth breath in and out to steady my nerves. You can do this Andy. You can do this, I kept telling myself.
Ryan held out his hand infront of me. Why is he doing that? Oh wait he wants me to take it. I took his hand in mine that was as soft and warm as ever and we headed to the kitchen.

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