Chapter 19 - Commotion In The Castle

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(Rye's POV)
"What are we doing today Rye?" Andy asked me as we walked back to my dorm from just having breakfast. Jack and Brook had their first kiss a couple days ago and know they can't stop kissing each other, even when they are sat at the kitchen table like shit get a room. Anyway, it has made me want to kiss Andy all over, but I have waited until we get into my chamber so we can have some privacy. (Well it isnt really private as Andy's moans are so loud but I love that and I don't care if people hear us, because they are hearing what they can't get so I enjoy it.)
"Well I think we should let Brook and Jack hear what they are missing." I said as we got through my chamber door. As soon as I shut the door, I gently pushed Andy up against it with me against him.
"Don't you think?" I asked as I grabbed his hips. He blushed and put his hands on my chest.
"Yes Rye I think that's a splendid idea." He said and I smirked before kissing him. When the kiss got heated and I got the sweet and sour taste of rotten berries on my tounge, I pulled Andy with me and pushed him on the bed with us. We were still kissing and touching each other, neither of us wanting to let go. I took Andy's top off and started leaving hickeys on his neck, then went down to his chest and tummy. All the while Andy moaned telling me and everyone else in the castle how good he feels.
"You like this baby don't you?" I asked wanting him to tell me.
"Ohhh! Yes Rye! Agh! So good!" He moaned loudly. I then moved onto the main event which was his juicy thighs. I pulled his jean's down and sucked and bit into them slowly going up earning me louder moans of enjoyment and pleasure coming from my angel.
"Oh Ryee!" Andy moaned loud when I sucked his inner thigh close to his privates making him go crazy.
"Hmm so good for me." I praised, him responding with a moan.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, both of us groaning not wanting to answer it, people really dont get that when I'm spending time with my soulmate we shouldn't be disturbed.
"Fovvs?" A voice said from behind the door. Wait is that Brook what does he want?
"Yeah Brook?" Andy shouted, I started nipping at his thighs again.
"Hmm Rye." Andy moaned quietly to me and I chuckled.
"Something has happened in the dance hall I think you really need to see this." Brook said. But me being the stubborn devil I am decided to ignore him and started sucking his thighs again.
"Ahh Rye!, we can continue this later, ohh! we have to go see hmm what it is." Andy said inbetween moans.
"Fine I said and looked at the massive bite mark I left in Andy's thigh, I smiled happy with my work and watched Andy pull up his jeans and put his shirt back on before we followed Brook to the dance hall.

Once we got there lots of people were crowding around, talking and looking at something on the floor in the middle of the roon. We pushed people aside and when we got to the middle we saw.
'Andy is not Rye's real soumate' written in blood. Me and Andy looked at each other knowing exactly who would have done this. Non other than the sorcerer of course.
Everyone now started talking at once. People started questioning me asking if Andy was my real soulmate, or if Andy is a fake, or did he put a spell on me to make me think he was. I was fine with answering these accusations as I knew they weren't true but because I saw Andy looking absolutely terrified as people were pointing their fingures at Andy and started shouting in his face blaming him for what has happened. That was when I lost it.
"Enough!!" I shouted making everyone instantly go mute.
"Right let me get this clear to all of you, Andy is my real and true soulmate, he hasn't put a spell on me and he isnt fake. Andy give me the letter." I said and Andy magiced up the soulmate letter that we keep in our chamber.
"It says in this letter that Andy is my soulmate." I said waving the letter around.
"But my prince he could have used his magic to make that letter up." A servant girl said and everyone around her nodded.

"I assure you he has not, also we have the same scar on our hand." I said holding up Andy's left hand and putting it next to mine everyone calmed down at that as they all know you cant use magic to put scars on yourself, as angels don't like the idea of hurting themselves.
"So is everyone calm now?" I asked and everyone nodded their heads.
"Good, and if I hear anyone shouting, or speaking Ill about my soulmate again they will be turned to ash. He is going to be your princess soon and I can't have people being horrible about things he hasn't done, I want everyone to treat my Andy how you treat me, with respect. Now everyone say sorry to your princess." I said and looked at Andy he smiled shyly and put his head on my shoulder as I put my arms around his small frame, a chorus of 'I'm sorry princess' accoured after it.
"Good now dismissed, I order two maids to clean this up." I said and everyone left apart from two maids who started scrubbing the floor.
"Come on darling let's go back to our chamber." I said taking Andy's hands and walking with him out of the dance hall.
"But Rye why did the sorcerer do this, will she come back?" Andy asked me, oh my little baby is scared. I squeezed his hand to reassure him that I'm here.
"Its going to be ok Andy she is trying to cause commotion and separate us but it won't happen." I told Andy.
"Yeah it wont happen." Andy said repeating my words to make him feel more comfortable.
When we got in our chamber there was a box on my desk with a cloth on it. Yes it is finally ready yes.
"What is that Rye." He asked me once he saw how happy I was that it was here.
"Its your crown Andy I asked an angel to make it for you, when we were in the market on our date." I explained and his face lit up with joy, the situation that happened minuites ago, struck from his mind.
"Really oh my lord can I see?" Andy said excitedly.
"Sorry baby but no, you can only see it when you are crowned, so that would be at our wedding. It's apart of the rules I'm afraid." I said to Andy and I put the box next to the box that has my crown in it, in the safe in my wardrobe. I turned around to see Andy lost in thought looking at the wall so I don't think he saw where I put it. The rest of the day we did paperwork about the situation today and cuddled on our bed. And after all the commotion that went on today I think we both have earned a well deserved nights sleep.

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