Chapter 5 - A Beautiful Morning

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(Ryan's POV)
I woke up and tried to get up but I couldn't. I tried again, but It was no use, a weight was pressed onto my stomach holding me down and that made me mad. Until I looked down and saw Andy cuddled up with his head on my chest fast asleep. He looks so adorable with his blonde hair over his eyes and his cheeks puffed out with his mouth open, seeing him made me immediately go from angry to relaxed. Oh this is indeed a beautiful morning. No one has ever had this effect on me before. No one has ever been able to make me calm before, but with Andy I am, he makes me calm. He makes me feel things that I have never felt before, or for anyone else for that matter. My mind went back to yesterday when Andy was sad about his mum, how his eyes swelled up with tears threatening to fall but he tried not to show it. How he fought with himself so he wouldnt cry. How warm he felt when I held him. I feel sorry for him not having a mum I mean I dont have one either, but the fact that Andy's mum was killed makes it worse for him.
Only Andy can make me feel this. Oh what is it called? Feeling sorry for someone is, oh I remember it's called sympathy or something like that, Andy used the turm yesterday. Only Andy can bring out knew feelings in me.
However, thinking back to his mum's death, that's probobly why he wants to take this relationship slow and why he was determined that we weren't soulmates when we first met. He's scared of the consequences of us being soulmates.
Oh my poor baby I will defend him until my last breath. Wait what, just forget what I just thought. I was delusional yeah that's it. I though as I ran my fingers through his hair.
I didnt want to get up or risk Andy waking up, so I stayed still and day dreamed while I played with his soft hair and watched him sleep. I'm not being creepy he's my soulmate I'm aloud to watch him sleep... so shut up. After a while I was bored and wanted to talk to Andy. Oh but I don't want to get up yet as I don't have a day off today. I remembered as I thought back to what my dad said about having one day with my soulmate after I find one, then going back to work the next day, which unfortunately is today. I would rather talk to Andy all day but sadly that's not an option.
Right, back to the plan at hand, waking Andy up. What could I do?... what would he not like and wake up from, oh I know. No I cant do that he said he wanted to take it slow, ok next best thing... oh I know. I leaned forward towards Andy and kissed his forehead instead of his lips which was my original idea. I kissed him once, still asleep, twice, nothing, three times. He started stiring in his sleep then he opened his eyes and blinked a few times before looking at me. His beautiful ocean eyes went wide as he realises the position we are in and he moved off me quickly, taking his warmth with him leaving me feeling cold. Is it stupid that I need his warmth to feel warm? I think so. I chuckled at the shocked face he pulled.

"Sorry about that." He apologises pointing to where he once layed.
"Its alright I dont mind we were layed like that all night anyway." I said thinking back to his sleeping face. Andy's face started to blush and he averted his eyes. Oh I love it when he gets embarrassed his cheeks go a pretty pink colour that compliments his skin tone beautifully, he is beautiful.
But let's tease him about this a little bit.
"Aww is little Andrew embarrassed?" I said in a baby voice as I cooed at the pout that formed on his kissable lips. What? They do look kissable and no I dont want to kiss him. Maybe. Oh shut up.
"Stop it Ryan." He said shyly as he put his hands to his face shielding it away from me. Not on my watch Andrew.
"Don't cover that beautiful face." I told him as I pulled his hands off of his face, his cheeks going redder at my choice of words. And we just sat there staring at each other me holding his hands, but eventually we decided to get up.
I told Andy I was going to take a shower and I grabbed some clothes and left him in my bedroom as i walked into my onsweet bathroom. I stripped and took a shower washing my hair as I haven't done it in two days. Sometimes I envy angels as they use their magic to wash their hair or change their clothes whereas only high ranking devils such as myself have powers. However, we can only use it for destruction. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and changed into the knew black clothes but left my shirt off.
I stepped out my hair dripping slightly down my exposed torso. Andy was blushing but I wasn't thinking about that, I was thinking about his fashion sense. He wore a bright yellow hoodie and blue jeans and mint green socks, what is he thinking. I'm sorry but this is Hell, we wear dark clothes mainly black and red, we dont walk around looking like fucking rainbows for crying out loud. Ok Rye get it together, try and say it nicely.
"Andy you cant ware that you are in Hell, change into something suitable." I said, he looked down at his clothes.

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