Chapter 12 - Preparing For A Date

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(Andy's POV)
"Brookie why don't you have breakfast with us?" I asked as me and Rye past Brook and Jack in the hallway. It has been a couple weeks since Brookie came to Hell and I think in that time Brook and Jack have gotten a lot closer, Jack has gotten protective over Brook which is nice I can tell Brook is happy and that's all I want. Me and Rye have done a lot of demonstration days in the last weeks too if you know what I mean. And oh it's so good. I just love it. I love it! Its the most amazing feeling having him suck and bite my skin, yes bite, he has started to bite my skin too which feels so so good. I love him so much I really do he is my life.
"With you? You mean with s-s-s..." Brook said scardly.
"Yes Brook with Satan Rye's father, it's ok he wont do anything and if he does he will deal with me." I said and everyone looked at me. Brook and Jack looked a bit scared whereas I looked at Rye and he was smiling at me.
"What are you smiling at me for." I asked him confused.
"I just love you so much." He said and kissed me. Brook awed at us and I blushed when we pulled away.
"Ok let's go." I said and Brook nodded to Jack to tell him he wanted to go. So they followed us into the kitchen. Rye's father and brothers were at the table chatting when we came in they smiled at us.
"Andy, Ryan wait Jack what are you doing in here and who is this. Why is this angel in here he deserves to get out." Rye's father said angrily.
I got angry, he can not speak like that to my friend.
"Hey! if you speak horrible to Brook again, if you even touch him. I don't care who you are, I will break all of your bones in alphabetical order and yes I went to angel medical school. I know what I'm talking about Brook is my family and Jack is his soulmate, they stay here with us!" I shouted yellow sparks escaping from my hands.
Rye's father sat back in his chair with an amused expression on his face.
Rye made me calm by rubbing his thumbs over my palms making my sparks disappear.
"Fine." He said and gestured to the chairs around the table.
"Come on my fiesty princess you're sitting next to me." Rye said as he pulled my hand and brought me to the chairs.
"Haha who else would I be sitting next to?" I asked while laughing and everyone else joined in. Jack pulled a scared Brook to two seats and they sat down.
"Cereal?" Rye asked me and I nodded.
"Everyone fine with cereal?" Rye asked and many yeses came back as he walked over to the cupboard and pulled out the cereal. "Well do it yourself because I'm making breakfast for only two people and that's me and my soulmate." Rye said laughing.
"Typical devil." I said laughing and Jack huffed and got up to make his and Brook's breakfast as Rye's little brother got up to make theirs too. Rye's father didn't budge he just watched the madness taking place. I looked at Brook to see him keep looking at Satan then looking away, he is clearly intimidated by him but I was when I first saw him, I have just learnt to live with it.
"So Brookie how are things going with you and Jack?" I asked him as I watched him quickly turn towards me. That definitely sparked his interest.
"Things are going great fovvs he Is so sweet and caring." Brook said to me and I smiled, happy to know things are going good.

"Why do you call Andy fovvs?" Rye's father asked Brook and he shyly looked at him. I was going to answer but Brook decided he was going to be a big boy and jump in. Go on Brook!
"Umm I-ive called him that e-ever since we were little angels." Brook said. The kettle started brewing now. Rye must be making his black tea. Then suddenly I heard a plate smash.
"Oh well done." Jack said as he was putting the cereal into two bowls.
"Sammy why did you do that?" Rye asked while laughing.
"That wasn't me that was you." Sammy said.
"Yeah don't blame him for your mistake." Shaun said
"Just clean it up." Rye's fathers voice boomed making Brook shiver and everyone else stop what they are doing. His voice doesn't affect me anymore. I then laugh as I watch Rye pick up the bits of smashed plate and put it into the bin. And everyone went back to what they were doing.
"So what else have you and Jack been up to lately?" I asked Brook as I wriggled my eyebrows at him.
"No not like that, me and Jack went on a date yesterday to the dark forest, we made a fire and danced and sung around it, it was so fun." He said excited. I like that when I talk about his soulmate, he drowns out everyone else in the room and just focuses on the conversation. But really a date, they are only two weeks in and they went on a date. Where's my date? Everyone then came and sat down with their bowls of black and red square cereal.
"Rye are you hearing this, Brook and Jack went on a date yesterday they are only on week 2 of their relationship. I want a date." I said pouting at Rye as everyone else ate around us.
"Aww baby we can go on a date if you want." He said and kissed my pout.
"Yay." I said happily and carried on eating.
"Wait you know what Brook, since we have been spending so much time with our soulmates why don't we spend a day together sometime?" I asked Brook.
"Yeah if that's ok." Brook said and looked at Jack who nodded then kissed Brook's cheek making him smile.
"You want to have a day without me?" Rye asked with a pout.
"Aww no silly I want to have a day with Brook as I haven't spend a whole day with him in ages." I said explaining as I didn't want Rye to be upset.
"Ok but I am checking on you every two hours." Rye said being the protective devil he is. I heard Jack say to Brook that, that applies to him too meaning Jack would check on Brook every two hours too.
"Ok deal." I said and we shared a kiss.
"Ooo." Jack and Brook said and I looked at them confused.
"What?" I asked and they shook their heads and carried on eating. Once we were finished me and Rye parted ways with Brook and Jack in the hallway as we made our way to our chamber.
"So I've never been on a date before so where do you want this date to be Andy?" Rye asked me as we sat down on his bed in our chamber.
"I don't know I've never been on a date either and I've been all around Hell and seen all the sights." I said remembering the tour I had with Jack and Harper.
"Yeah you have, so there is only really one option." Rye said.

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