Chapter 6 - A Tour Around Hell

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*I'm sorry that I made Jack horrible in this, I like Jack don't get me wrong it's just for the story and he will turn kind soon. Shh spoiler alert but keep reading to find out.*
(Andy's POV)
I kissed Ryan on the cheek then ran out of his chamber. It was only when I caught up with the two devils that I realised what I did. I kissed his cheek, he kissed mine. It just felt like the right thing to do, like it was a thing we do regularly and it was sweet anyway. He was sweet, he made me feel safe and... loved?
"Oi angel are you listening to me!" The brunette haired devil asked pulling me into reality, I think his name was Jack. Wait has the tour started alreay?
"Oh I'm so sorry I must have zoned out." I said politely knowing this devil was angry at me.
"Look you little shit we have to give you a tour so pay attention!" Jack said back aggressively.
"Hey don't talk to him like that, Ryan said you have to respect him." Harper said, at least he defended me and he seems nicer than Jack so that's good, I'm starting to favour him more.
"Whatever. Right as I was saying, these are the princes' and king's chambers." He said as he pointed behind us to the long black corridor we just walked down, Ryan's chamber being at the very end. Then we started walking a bit further and got to two long corridors that went in opposite directions.
"And down here is everyone else's chambers, people like maids, cooks like Harper. I also sleep down here aswell got it?" He said pointing at the corridor to the right of us. I looked at all the red doors that looked out of place with the black walls, why is all the doors here red. Ryan's door is red too except it has a 'KEEP OUT PRINCE SLEEPING' sign on it. I didn't answer Jack's question so he turned his head and glared at me.
"Y-yes." I answered, he scares me so much. Harper looked at me apologetically but Jack looked at me with anger and disgust. Like I was nothing. I just want to go back to Ryan and have him wrap his arms around me and keep me safe. Sadly I can't, he needs to work and sort out all those papers. Therefore I trudged on.
We went down the left corridor and turned the corner and walked down another corridor. This castle is like a maze. I like mazes we have a lot of them in Heaven they are made out of beautiful green leaves shaped perfectly but this was different. This was wall after wall and I was frightened of getting lost here, so I stayed close to the others. We went into a room with black walls obviously but it had red cupboards, a red table with five red chairs that are all made out of wood and a red cooker, microwave and fridge.
"This is the kitchen obviously." Jack said as he walked to the red fridge to get a snack, Harper followed but turned back around to face me once he got his snack.
"Food?" Harper asked me?
"Sure." I said and I had some weird food from Hell before we walked through and into another corridor. We turned yet another corner and went into another room. This one was scary, it was all black no red was seen in here, apart from a target? And the scary part was there was swords, knives, guns are in here too, as well as a big target nailed to the wall with a bunch of holes in it.

"This is the training room, now Ryan said I could train you so since I missed the rest of training let's see what you've got." Said Jack as he walked over to a button on the wall and more red targets stood up from the floor, I didnt see those before. These targets were different too, instead of being one big round target like the one on the wall, these cut outs were in the shape of a person with the target on its chest where the heart sould be. They looked like they were made out of cardboard. How am I suppose to do this, I can't barely hold up a sword or knife never mind a gun. We angels aren't supposed to defend ourselves, unless we want to, and if we do we usually use a bow and arrow. Jack walked over to the gun rack and pulled one out, he stood closer to one of the cut outs and held the gun up. He closed one eye to get a better shot, me and Harper were watching his every move, then the gun shot was heard and before we knew it there was a whole in the centre of the target. Wow impressive but I couldn't do that, not by a long shot. It's my first time and I've only used a bow and arrow before to do target practice as I said. However Ryan said Jack could train me so I'll have a go, for him.
"Your turn." Jack said, shall I talk about the bow and arrow?
"Ehh Jack we angels usually defend ourselves with a bow and arrow." I said carefully, I am trying not to make him more mad, I didn't want that, I thought as I looking at the racks of swords, knives and guns.
"Yes, don't you think I know that you stupid angel, but I want to see how good you are with using a gun or sword first. So pick up a gun." Jack instructed. I didn't want to disappoint him or make him angry, so I shakally picked up a gun from the rack. I looked at Harper, he didnt talk he just looked at me apologetically, I smiled at him which he return.
"Ok now hit the target." Jack said and I aimed for the heart using all the techniques he just used and I took my shot, but I missed. It's the first time I'm using a gun, I hope he's not angry at me.
"Again." Jack ordered, I took another shot, this time I did hit the cut out, but I hit below the target. Not bad I am getting the hang of this I think.
"Again!" Jack ordered again, he sounded angrier. I pulled the trigger again and shot the target but to my surprise it was bang in the middle of the small target. Yes, yes at least I can do target practice with a gun now, but I'm better with a bow and arrow, I hope I can show him.
"Now use a knife." Jack said bluntly and again it took me a few try's, but after the third practice I managed to throw the knife and it go in the middle, it was only like a millimeter away from the first whole I made.

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