Chapter 17 - A Walk Around Hell

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(Andy's POV)
So we were having lunch as usual we were eating burnt egg on toast. This morning has been pretty boring as I was helping Rye with the paperwork. This is because he said I would have to learn for when I become the princess. Which I actually don't mind because, as cheesy as it sounds, I would do all the paperwork in the world if I have to, to be the princess and Rye's soulmate. I would do anything to be able to stay with Rye.
"Babe... Hey Andy?" Rye said getting me out of my thoughts, I turned seeing him push my empty plate away from me, that I didn't even know I finished.
"Yeah Rye." I said smiling as I faced him, he smiled back and intertwined our fingers together.
"You have been spacing out a lot today darling are you alright?" Rye asked me looking worried. There has been one thing bugging me actually, its that sorcerer women who keeps trying to get me away from Rye. I had a dream about her last night, about her being with Rye and me being in a dungeon, but he doesn't have to know that.
"I'm fine Rye dont worry." I said putting my other hand on his cheek, he took my hand off and kissed it making me giggle at how cute he is.
"Why don't we walk around the town today, you have been working really hard with me on that paperwork all morning, you deserve a break baby." Rye said while he stroked my palms with his thumbs. I sighed constantly.
"Yeah I think I do need a break." I said started to get sleepy with him constantly caressing my palms.
"Ok then my tired little angel." Rye cooed and he picked me up taking me out of the kitchen and to his chamber. He carefully dropped me on the bed and crouched down in front of me to give me a kiss on the lips.
"Ok baby we will go in a minuite, I just have to get ready and put my crown on." He said as he stood back up again. This got me excited he's never shown me his crown, I wonder what it looks like.
"Oh I've never seen your crown before, you never wear it." I said to him.

"I know, that's because it's in the rule book for Hell, royals are only aloud to wear our crowns and robes in the wider public, so when we are outside the castle. That's why you haven't seen my dad wear it either and the last time someone disobeyed the book he was burnt out of nowhere." Rye explained.
"Oh." Is all I said as he walked over to his safe in his wardrobe and pulled out a black velvet robe and put it on. The robe nearly touched the floor but it made Rye look beautiful and powerful. I awely watched my beautiful soulmate put some rings on, which were all different sizes of rubies and then he entered the code of his safe that was in his wardrobe. Rye opened it to reveal a beautiful black crown that had red jewels on it. I always wondered what was in that safe. Rye took the crown, then closed the safe before putting the crown on his head, he looked even more beautiful than before. I stood up and walked to Rye admiring him. He looks more royal now, so much more like a prince. I touched the jewels on his crown before running my hands over his velvet robe, it was so silky and soft to the touch.
"You like it? You're going to get one just like it but in red and the same with the crown too, it's being made in red copper." He said when I touched the robe for a bit too long.
"Why red?" I asked, confused because his is all black.
"Because prince's of Hell wear black robes and have a black crown, princesses wear red its tradition babe." He said "now ready to go?" He asked me and I was going to say yes, until I caught a glimpse of what I looked like in the mirror. Still wearing the boring grey top and jeans I always wear and then I looked at Rye, covered head to toe in jewellery and wealth. I look nothing compared to him.
"But I look like a commoner compared to you." I said.
"Hey." Rye said lifting my head up so I look at him. "My soulmate, it does not matter, your beauty alone makes you stand out from the crowd and makes you look like a royal and I don't care if you are the most expensive jewelry in the world, you are my princess and I want to marry you, not the jewellery." Rye said and that made me close to tears. I hugged him tightly as he did the same. We then shared a passionate kiss and shared I love you's before we went out to the town.

We walked around, arms linked together. People would stop and bow to us as we walked by, and some would talk to us, call us your majesties. I'm still getting used to being called 'your majesty', but it was a work in progress. We went all around Hell, around the parks and the black and red houses before having a slow walk in the dark forest. As we were walking around the forest I saw a few devils and demons lurking around and some was scaring and having fun with their little children. But the screams brought me back to my dream.
"Andy, Andy baby." Rye said shaking me.
"Yes yeah what." I said back.
"That's the forth time you spaced out today, please tell me what's on your mind and don't you dare say you're fine because your not." Rye said angry. So much for keeping it to myself.
"Huhh fine, I had a bad dream last night." I said.
"What do you mean bad dream, why didn't you tell me or wake me up?" Rye asked quickly.
"Calm down Rye, breath, I just didn't want to worry you, now don't laugh at me but the dream was about the sorcerer." I said thinking he is going to laugh right at my face at being scared by something so ridiculous.
"Oh shit, she can use her magic to get into your dreams, what was the dream about Andy?" Rye asked me.
"Well I was locked in a dungeon and she was with you and she had bewitched you into thinking she was your soulmate and I was left all alone." I said sadly.
"Aww baby that will never happen, you are my rightful soulmate. I will never leave you alone and she wont ever harm you while I'm here ok?" Rye said bringing me closer to him.
"Ok Rye." I said nodding. We then walked back to the castle and the rest of the day we did paperwork then relaxed together.

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