Chapter 9 - The Happy Phone Call

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(Rye's POV)
A couple of days has gone by since the dinner and I am currently sat on my bed with a sleeping angel beside me. We have gotten so close over these couple days and we even shared a few light pecks of our lips which I really enjoyed, but we never went further than that and I want to so bad. Every day I find something more beautiful about Andy and I love it. I woke up early as usual and couldn't get back to sleep. Plus the regular thoughts are going around my head at the moment, that I haven't talked about to Andy yet. Like how my dad actually liked my soulmate who is an angel, he has never liked anyone in his life. Or that Andy, my angel said he loved me at the dinner. Just me thinking about it makes my heart soar, but I haven't brought it up since. Or the fact that Andy has been through a lot this past couple of weeks and he seems a bit sad. I wonder if he misses his dad and friends? Oh maybe that's what I should do, I'll make a call to the angel temple and then give the phone to Andy, oh he would be so happy. Ok let's do it. So I kissed the top of my soulmates head and as he slept I went to my dad to persuade him to make a connection strong enough so I can call Heaven.
"And why would you want to do that?" He asked confused as he sat down at the dining room table, with my two siblings across from his giggling at my request.
"Because I think Andy is missing his home and I want to surprise him with a call to his dad, he hasn't seen him in two weeks come on dad." I said trying to persuade him.
"Oh so you want to call the angel temple for your soulmate huh, you must really love him." Dad said. Of course I do how could you not.
"Oh you have no idea dad, I am unconditionally in love with him." I said day dreaming.
"Well I can see that son... Fine you can call Heaven." He said making me nearly jump with glee until I remembered I'm a devil and I kept my composure but my mouth didn't.
"Oh thank you, thank you dad." I said
"Yeah yeah, Mikey!" Dad shouted for our servant who specialises in electronics. The door suddenly opened.
"Yes my lord." Mikey said as he bowed.
"Take Ryan and fix the connections on his phone so he can speak to the person at the angel temple." Dad said and Mikey bowed.
"Ok let's go my prince." Mikey said to me and walked out of the kitchen. I turned around to follow him, when I saw my beautiful soulmate stood in the frame of the door. He was wearing baggy grey swet pants and a grey hoodie he was wiping the sleep from his eyes, fuck he looks adorable.
"Rye were are you going?" Andy asked in a cute sleepy voice.
"Aww hello my darling, I just have to make a phone call my love and then I will make your breakfast." I said and pecked him lips before exiting the kitchen myself and going into my chamber to find Mikey. Who was pulling out and mixing wires that were conected up to my phone in the wall, so I could ring heaven.
"I don't want to pry but why do you want to ring the temple of angels?" Mikey asked and to most people I would say its non of their business, but Mikey is Harper's soulmate and Harper is one of my friends so I'll be nice.
"For my soulmate as I want to see his smiling face as he speaks to his dad." I answered honestly.
"Wow you must really love him." He replyed as his fingers fiddled with the wires. That's twice someone has said that to me today. It's getting on my nerves.
"Why do people keep telling me this, of course I love him." I said getting angry now. Mikey suddenly put the panel full of wires back into the wall and stood up.

"The phone is ready my prince, didn't mean to make you angry." Mikey said quickly then left. I swiftly dialled the number for Heaven and waited, the number always gets answered at the temple anyways.
"Hello this is the temple of angels, John speaking how can I help." The voice spoke, they all sound so happy in heaven, oh it sickens me. But I'm thankful that Andy's dad answered it makes this easier.
"Hi this is the prince of Hell." I said introducing myself.
"Oh your majesty how can I help you, is it Andy? I'm sure he will be a good soulmate if you give him a chance." He said.
"No its not Andy, he is a beautiful soulmate for me and I love him a lot. I got my phone connected to you because I think Andy is a bit home sick, so I wanted him to talk to you to make that adorable smile come back onto his face again." Oh I hate being sappy but its the truth and I can't have his dad think I don't like Andy.
"Well I am so happy that you love my son and I am thrilled that you thought of this idea to cheer him up, you are an amazing soulmate to him." His dad praised me.
"Yes I know now I will just go get Andy." I said and put the phone on my desk for a second and ran to the kitchen. There my baby was sat at the table talking to my dad who was drinking a black coffee which is the only hot drink we have here in Hell. But I am happy my dad and Andy are getting along.
"Andy baby I have someone who wants to speak to you on the phone." I said smiling as I walked over to him.
"But what about breakfast?" He asked.
"You will get it later now come on." I said taking his hand and pulling him up out of his seat.
"Oh um ok bye Ryan's dad." He said.
"Call me Lucifer." He said, wow he really likes Andy he's never asked that of someone before. My soulmate just nodded probobly not knowing what to say to that request. Then we left and went into my chamber.
"Who is it Rye." Andy asked me as he stood next to the phone.
"Just sit down here and answer it." I said pointing to the chair infront of my desk that he sat on, the phone just reaching as I sat on my bed and waited for the magic to happen.

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