Chapter 18 - Training Brook

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(Andy's POV)
So we were having breakfast and Ryan's father Lucifer and the twins already left, as we were all a bit late coming to breakfast. Anyway, Me and Rye were having rotten berries because I asked for it, as I was sick of having dried clumps of cereal for breakfast every morning.
"So Brook what are you doing today?" I asked as I ate a rotten strawberry. These rotten fruits are a lot nicer than I expected I enjoy eating them, they are a little sour but that is balanced out by the sweet taste as well. My lord Rye tastes this whenever we kiss, he is so lucky, no wonder he loves kissing me.
"Well actually Jack was going to train me today aren't you Jackie?" Brook asked smiling at him which made Jack smile too.
"Of course my angel." Jack said making Brook giggle, I smiled at them they are so cute, it's so good to see your friend being happy and falling in love. I am so happy for the pair of them.
"Oh you're going to be trained today, well good luck with that Jack." I said which made Rye nearly choke on his fruit as he was laughing so hard. I patted Rye's bad and he soon calmed down.
"What do you mean good luck with that?" Brook asked sassily.
"Oh I'm sorry Brook, it isn't anything personal, it's just the fact that you have never even been trained with a bow and arrow before never mind a gun. So this is going to be a very long day for you and Jack." I said in the nicest way possible, just stating the facts.
"Well why don't you train me with a bow and arrow first, before I get trained with a gun?" Brook suggested.

"Are you actually going to let me teach you this time and you wont run away scared as soon as I point a weapon at you." I said, remembering when I tried to train Brook back when we lived in Heaven and he got scared as soon as I conjured up my bow and arrow. It was quiet funny though.
"Yes I promise you can teach me properly this time." Brook said to me.
"Ok fine I will teach you how to fight with a bow and arrow and Jack will teach you how to fight with a sword and a gun." I said and everyone nodded before Jack and Brook went to go freshen up before the training started.
"Oh my soulmate, you took that situation really well, you're acting like a princess already." Rye said to me which got me confused.
"What do you mean Rye?" I asked him.
"Figuring out the situation, finding the best solution to the problem that's what a princess does. They usually help the prince with any problems they have." He explained.
"Oh do they?" I asked not sure about what he is saying. Rye took both of my hands in his and smiled brightly at me.
"Yes my baby, you are going to be an amazing princess not just for me to be able to rule Hell by my side, but for all of Hell too." Rye said. A good princess that's all I want to be for him and Hell. I thought as I smiled at him. We shared a very passionate kiss after that, then went to the training room.

"Ok Brook so the first thing you need to learn is how to conjure your weapon. Just think about your bow and arrow appearing in your hands like this." I said and I put my hands out, closed my eyes and seconds later my yellow bow and arrows appeared in my hands. Rye and Jack was watching us from afar as I was training Brook.
"Ok ok." Brook said as he held his hands out and closed his eyes. Blue sparks flew from his hands and seconds later a blue bow and arrows appeared in his hands.
"Good, now I'm going to teach you to shoot, like this." I said and I set up an arrow on my bow and shot the target in front of me perfectly in the centre.
"Wow ok yeah I want to do that." Brook said excitedly and he set up his bow on his arrow like I just did and held it up pulling back the string.
"Ok Brook focus, keep your arms straight and close your left eye to get a better shot, as you are right handed. Now when you are ready, have a shot." I said then looked at Rye and Jack, Jack was watching Brook like a hawk, where as Rye was smirking at me. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Brook took his shot surprisingly close to the centre.
"Ooh that was so close Brookie try again." I said and Brook nodded quickly before trying again and again and finally he hit the centre.
"Yess Brook!" I shouted so happy for my best friend.
"I did it, I did it!" Brook shouted, doing a happy dance. "Thank you fovvs." He said to me and we hugged.
"You're welcome Brookie." I said to him as we broke from the hug.
"Good job Brook." Rye said and he thanked him.
"Yeah well done baby, but I think you could have done it faster if you focused a bit more that's all." Jack said with a smirk. My lord he hasn't changed one bit I really dont understand why he is like this, he should applaud him like a nice boyfriend not tell him to do it quicker. Right thats it I'm going to give him a lesson.

"Hey Jack that's not nice, that's your soulmate dude you should show him respect, a..." Rye said but I cut him off.
"No it's ok Rye, you know what Brook I think we need to take this up a notch don't you think." I said and smirked to my angel friend, Brook smirking back at me knowing exactly what I was going to do. We both smirked at Jack and he looked so confused it was so funny.
"Right let's get down to business." I said and clicked my fingers, making yellow magic quickly storm around Jack pulling him towards the targets and stoping inbetween them. He was trying to move but he couldn't obviously, I didnt allow him to move. This is payback.
"What are you doing why cant I move?!" Jack shouted.
"You are the target now." I said and held up my bow and arrow ready to shoot as I smirked.
"What no you can't kill me!" Jack shouted.
"I'm not going to kill you, these arrows are made in Heaven, do you really think they would make them to be able to kill others?" I asked still with my hands holding the string back ready to fire at Jack. Once I didn't get an answer from Jack, I asked Brook if it was ok if I went first he said it's fine.
"No don't, Ryan help me." Jack pleaded and I looked at Rye who was leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and smirking at me. I watched him walk over and stand behind me with my back against his chest and he put his hands on my hips, my hands still in the same position as before.
"You are so incredibly sexy, I think you should teach more often." Rye said in a husky voice next to my ear but it was loud enough for everyone else to hear and I had to hold back my moan.
My lord my soulmate is so sexy, oh I love him.
"You think so?" I asked smiling at him and he nodded.
"Oh I know so, now I think it's time for Mr Duff's punishment, don't you?" He asked and smirked. And I held up my arms, pulling back the string more, and with Rye's hands still on my hips I took the shot. Yellow sparks flew around the arrow as it went and hit Jack in the heart.
"Yes bullseye." I said happily and Rye smiled at me, putting his arms around me more, so he was hugging me from behind which was making me feel so good and safe. Jack was looking down angrily at the arrow in his chest.
"Right your turn Brook." I said and watched Brook also hit Jack in the heart with his arrow.
"Ok ok you've had your fun, now get these arrows out of me!" Jack shouted and me and Brook clicked our fingers and our own arrows landed in our hands. I then clicked my fingers a second time, releasing Jack from my spell.
After Jack got over his anger, he proceeded to teach Brook how to shoot with a gun and when Brook mastered that Jack was so happy.
"Yes baby that was perfect." Jack said happily and pulled Brook into a hug. They then slowly leaned in and they started kissing very slowly and robot like. Omg!!
"I think this is their first ever kiss." I told Rye smiling at him so widely my cheeks hurt.
"Really, well let's leave them to it then." I agreed and we left the training room. I am so happy for them that they are moving on with their relationship. I hope to see them progress more and more. My lord I sound like a councillor.

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