Chapter 37 - Hell Rings Wedding Bells

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(This is going to be a long one but its the wedding, can you blame me)
(Andy's POV)
Omg I'm so excited, today is my wedding and I get to marry Rye the most handsome, kind and caring devil I have ever met.
I woke up early too energetic to sleep. However apparently it wasnt early enough as when I looked over I saw Rye staring at me fully awake. Once our eyes met he smiled widely at me. I wonder how long he has been watching me?
"Ah I see my soon to be husband is awake." Rye said putting his arms around me and bringing me closer to his side. "How did you sleep?" He whispered in my ear sending shivers all through my body. I love how he can make my body react like this. Rye just smiled at my bodies respons.
"Very good, but I cant wait for today, I cant wait to marry you." I whisper as I put my head on his shoulder.
"Oh me neither my angel." Rye says huskily in my neck making a little moan come out from his voice. I heard him chuckle against my neck and he kissed it a couple times. However, then I realised. I have no idea where the wedding is held or what time we have to be there by.
"Rye where is our wedding held and when is it?" I asked.
He looked up at me and cupped my face.
"Its at 10 o'clock at satan's church, which is like a normal church except it's in Hell so that's what we call it." Rye says but he doesnt specify the location. And anyway there are millions of churches here.
"But there are lots of churches around here." I say.
"Oh right, well our wedding reception is at the big chapel in the centre of Hell and trust me, it will be beautiful." Rye says putting his forehead on mine. I giggle at his comment and closed my eyes.
Suddenly an alarm goes off scaring me half to death and making me look around.
"Shh baby it's alright, it's just my alarm clock." Rye says rubbing his fingers on my palms before talking one away and shutting the alarm up.
"Why did you set an alarm?" I asked.
"Its our wedding day, didnt want to miss it. Now time to get your cute ass up and dressed." Rye says and I laughed.

"So are you excited Andy?" Satan asked smiling his evil smile at me as we ate our cereal. Rye turned his gaze to me intrigued in my answer. However, I couldnt contain my happiness. I mean it's my wedding can you blame me.
"Yes! Yes I am so excited!" I squealed happily making Brook and Rye chuckle at me and Jack and the twins just smiled at me happily.
Rye pushed his empty bowl away quickly, before grabbing my chin gently making me look at him before he kissed me sweetly. After a few seconds Brook pushed my empty bowl away, the sound making us pull away realising it's not just us in the room. I looked at Brook to see a big smile on his face.
"Are you ready?" Brook asked me making me confused. I saw Rye look at the black clock in the room before also smiling at me.
"We have to get ready for our wedding now." Rye said and my heart started beating so wildly in my chest. I smiled and jumped out of my seat.
"Yes!" I shouted and everyone else pushed their bowls away and stood up too. Rye took my hand and kissed my knuckles sending goosebumps up my arms. Yes he still has the same effect on me, but I wouldnt change it for the world.
"I'll see you at the alter my love." Rye said, I nodded and we both shared a smile before Brook took me away. We went to my chamber to grab my dress.
"This way Andy." Brook said leading me out of the castle and towards the chapel with a bunch of maids on our tail. Along the way I smiled at all the demons and devils that stopped and stared at us. However each demon and devil we past by, they joined our group so we all went to the chapel together. I thought this was really nice, this must be a tradition I guess. Once we got there the demons and devils all smiled at me before taking their seats and they started talking to each other. And me, Brook and the maids went to the changing room. I guess this was easier than getting dressed in the castle and having to walk all the way here without tripping over. So I am pleased about that. Brook and the maids then proceeded in helping me get ready. I feel so weird with this many people around me.
They helped me into my dress before putting some makeup on me that looks like this.

 They helped me into my dress before putting some makeup on me that looks like this

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I looked in the mirror after they finished. "Oh my! Is that really me in the mirror, I look so different." I said and everyone chuckled.
As I gawked at the mirror Brook came next to me smiling.
"You look beautiful fovvs." He said and I smiled at him.
We heard the bells start ringing and everyone started rushing to put my red veil on but not over my eyes as they dont do that in Hell.
"Are you ready to get married?" Brook asked. I nodded smiling widely.
I was born ready.

(Rye's POV)
'I'll see you at the alter my love." I said smiling at him, he nodded happily and smiled back before I watched Brook lead him away with a big smile on my face.
It made my heart skip so many beats to see him so excited to marry me. I love that little angel to death. And I will love him forever.
"Rye my son are you sure you want to marry Andy, we can always call it off." My dad said shocking me, Jack and the twins. My smile instantly disappearing. How could he say that after just witnessing how excited Andy is.
"Yes dad I am 1000% sure I want to marry my soulmate." I said standing my ground.
"Ok alright see you there then, come on Sammie, Shaun." He said bringing the twins along. Them going to get dressed and head to the chapel as well.
"Come on Rye we dont have long." Jack said and I nodded quickly going and us both getting dressed in our separate chambers before meeting up and walking to the chapel. My suit is all black with a black shirt and a red tie. It's very comfortable I must say. When we walked outside, no one was around but that was expected. For a royal wedding everyone is supposed to follow the Princess to the chapel.
Once we got there everyone was talking, I saw my family and friends at the front, even Robbie and his princess. My dad stood on the altar as he is going to do the ceremony being the former King and all. Yes we do it differently in Hell.
I walked down with Jack everyone staring at us as we went.
I smiled at my family and stood staring facing everyone. Mine and Andy's crowns on either side of us on black chairs.
"Are you nervous?" Jack asked me.
"Fuck no, but did you see how excited he was fuck I just want to be married to him already." I said happily to him and Jack did a little laugh. Devils and demons aren't supposed to show any emotions, but I guess I broke that rule once I met Andy, same with Jack when he met Brook. The bells started chiming.

"Well you dont have long at all." Jack said smiling I looked at him confused before following his gaze to the other end of the isle. To see the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. There stood my soulmate in his sparkling red dress that fit him perfectly showing off all his sexy curves. He doesnt need a crown, he already looks like a Princess.
The music started to play as Andy walked with Brook down the isle. (you can picture any music you want here). Everyone looked at him in amazement as his dress shimmered in the light. Shit he looks so beautiful in his red dress I felt tears come to my eyes. When he got closer Brook stood next to Jack at the side as I held my hand out for my angel. He took it quickly and stood beside me on the alter. Oh, I just noticed he was wearing make up. Oh he looks so good. My soulmate is so gorgeous.
My dad started reading aloud out of the book of Hell that he held in his hands and we both said our vows trying to not mess up.
"Do you Ryan take Andrew to be your husband and Princess, to love and to cherish, forever?" He asked me and I smiled looking into Andy's sparkling ocean blue eyes.
"I do."
"And do you Andrew take Ryan to be your husband and king, to love and to cherish, forever?" He asked him and I could see Andy start to tear up with his pretty smile going wider.
"I do." He said and I watched Jack and Brook with our crowns in their hands, wait when did they retrieve these. Oh never mind I dont care.
"Then by the power vested in me, by all of Hell I pronounce you King and Princess." He said and Jack put my black crown on my head. I looked at Andy with heart eyes as Brook placed the red crown on Andy's head, The black jewels sparkled beautifully in the light making Andy look so so stunning. I felt so powerful in this moment with my crown on. I am king and he is my princess.
"You may kiss." Dad finished, shutting the book up. I didn't waist anytime, pulling Andy into a passionate kiss, his delicious sweet and sour berry taste sealing our vows.

I love you my Princess.

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