Chapter 40 - Two Years Later

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(Andy's POV)
It's been two years since me and Rye got married and we had gone through some changes in that time. We adopted a child who is now four, his name is Romeo and he has brown hair like Rye and blue eyes like me. He literelly looks like he is our child. He is so small, cute and he is always laughing even though he is a devil, we just love our little boy so much.
Also, Brook and Jack had their wedding a year ago and now they are thinking of adoption as well. Satan stepped down from his post as King and he seems less stressed now, well he is still stressed as he has to look after two little twin devils, but you know what I mean. And as for Sonny and Anna, well they are married and Anna has a two year old daughter. Also, the angel temple gave my father a pay rise, so everyone is doing amazingly.
I'm also wearing black clothes today, for the first time ever and I want to see Rye's reaction. Why did I leave it so late you ask? Well I just feel like I am finally ready to commit to my new life, after being married to my soulmate and adopting a child with him, I finally feel complete.
Now Rye hasn't seen me all day as he has been doing king stuff so I looked after our little devil, so his face should be priceless.

I walked into our chamber to see Rye laid on our bed. Our room has also changed as well, our crowns are now on a black table in the corner next to the door when you walk in and the bed is in the other corner now. We also have a massive picture of our family on the black wall above our bed.
When Rye saw me, his jaw dropped and he stood up walking towards me.
"Andy, fuck... you didnt tell me you'd look this good in black clothes, why didnt you wear them sooner, you look so sexy my princess." He said and I chuckled. Rye smirked his signature devil smirk before smashing our lips together in a heated kiss, his tongue going straight into my mouth before I even got the change to focus on what we were doing. We kissed, our tongues sliding against each other in the most beautiful way, his sweet taste of chocolate making my head dizzy as it always does. My arms going around his neck as his hands go on my hips. Eventhough we do kiss a lot, I mean we are a married couple it's what we do, but it still feels like the first time. Rye walks me to the bed and pushed me down onto it gently as our lips were still connected.
"Can we have sex?" Rye mumbled as he kissed down my neck to my shoulder, with me moaning, giving him as much excess as he needs feeling so good. But then reality hit me right in the face.
"No, we can't, Romeo is next door." I said.
"Please I need you, we will be quiet." Rye said kissing harder over my neck now, me not being able to hold back the little moans that want to escape.
"Ah ah!, later Rye ok." I said between breathly moans holding onto him tightly.

"Ok my love we will do it later when he is asleep." He said and pecked my lips before we settled down and laid down, cuddling on the bed. We suddenly heard jumping and banging.
"Die you monster die! no I dont want to, well you are going to!" We hear Romeo shouting from the other room. I laughed at our sons great imagination, he loves playing with his monster figurines. We then heard more crashing around.
"What in Hell's name is he doing in there?" Rye asked as he tensed up. Rye is always worried that Romeo would hurt himself, I thought I would be the protective one, but It turns out that I am more laid back then Rye.
"He is just playing Rye leave him." I said moving closer to him, putting my head on his shoulder as he relaxed and put his arms around me.
"Mmm, you know Rye, Romeo would have to start school soon." I said, feeling a little sad that I soon wont get to see my little devil everyday. Rye looked at me, seeing my sad face.
"I know darling, dont be sad you will still have time with him." Rye said and hugged me comforting me. We then stayed in a comfortable silence as he played with my hair.
Suddenly the phone in the room rang.
"Ehh, can we ever have time to ourselves fucking people." Rye said annoyed as I giggled and watched him get up and pick up the phone.
"What!... oh hello.. yes he something wrong?" Rye asked looking at me and I got confused so I walked to Rye.
"Ok what is it... No you did not!... oh shit yes, Andy it's for you." Rye said getting excited and passing the phone to me.
"Hello, oh father hi... oooh big news what is it... shut up no way! Yes we will be there right away.. ok father bye love you." I said and as soon as I put the phone down I immediately squealed and hugged Rye.
"I can't believe our sons name has appeared in the book of soulmates already, we get to know his soulmate." I said being so happy.
"I know baby, I did speak to him as well." Rye said teasing me.
"Oh shut up, right I will tell Romeo and get him ready, we will be in Heaven soon." I said and pecked his lips before walking out of the room to our son.

When we got to Heaven, we greeted my father.
"Hey father." I said hugging him.
"Hey son, hey Ryan and hello Romeo are you ready to know your soulmate?" My father asked.
"Yes I want to know my soulmate right now grandad!" Romeo shouted jumping up and down, getting so excited. We laughed at him and I hugged his side tightly.
"Right well the book says... ah here." My father said poiting to his name. We all bent down, looking at the name.
"Lilly Robertson." Rye read.
"That's Sonny and Anna's daughter." I said shockly. I looked at my father, then Rye with a big smile as they smiled too. My friends daughter is the soulmate of my son.
"That's great." Rye said happily.
I finally looked at Romeo but he had an unreadable expression on his face.
"But daddy that is an angel I cant be soulmates with an angel." Romeo said to Rye.
"Well son your papa is an angel and he is the most devil like angel I have ever met and he loves you." Rye said and they all turned and smiled at me. To have you change your soulmate's behavior for the better then hear your soulmate tell your son that, it's an amazing feeling.
"Oh my lord Rye I love you." I said to Rye as I take Rye's hand in mine and peck his lips again.
"Eww gross, but you're right daddy my soulmate is going to be a devil like angel just like papa, and I'm going to love my little angel forever and they will love me forever too, as I am a devil and that is my soulmate." Romeo said flinging his arms around, he reminds me of a little Brook I swear.
"Well said Romeo, well said." Rye said and I hugged my family close.

Hey so sadly this book has come to an end. Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented or even read a chapter of this book, it means a lot to me. Now I still have a lot more chapters to publish with my other book 'My Famous Alpha'. However, look out for my new book coming soon which will be Randy Oneshots...

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