Part 26: Caught

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Astra's body lurched forwards in shock as the craft faltered in mid air. Her throat immediately lost all traces of moisture while her palms began to clam.

Her eyes widened as the reflection of Kylo Ren stared back at her in the clean, polished glass of the ships front window.

"Turn this fighter around immediately," Ren demanded, as Astra's stomach churned inside her.

You have to be kidding me

"L-let me leave," she whimpered feebly as she directed the fighter out of the bay. Once the craft reached open space, she could see Ren frown with disappointment.

"How dare you disobey me," Ren growled as he waved a hand over Astra's head. Her eyes suddenly grew heavy, and her head felt as if it were beginning to melt.

"S-stop," she whispered lazily before her eyes shut entirely. Her whole world dissolved into darkness.


When Astra opened her eyes, her head was facing the ceiling, and her back was flat on top of a what she assumed was her bed.

She yawned as she stretched her arms and legs out around her. She soon noticed that she was no longer wearing her regular outfit. She had been changed into her pyjamas, presumably by Ren who she just discovered was sleeping soundly beside her.

She rolled onto her side to see Ren's back facing her. He seemed to be clothed, but only from the waist down.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she continued to stretch out her exhausted limbs.

They were sore, and weak from the events of last night. All the running, and constant paranoia induced by Ren really took a negative toll on her body.

Astra still couldn't believe that Ren had snuck aboard her ship without her even noticing.

He was a sly one, and Astra knew she'd never be able to trick him. As Astra continued to lay in silence, Ren began to stir.

He rolled over onto his back before bringing his arms up over his head. Astra frowned as she inhaled deeply. After yesterday, she could no longer view Ren as he wanted her to. He was vile, and short tempered. Astra didn't find any aspect of him even mildly attractive at this point.

"Good morning," Astra announced coldly, making sure to accentuate the malice in her voice.

"Glad to see you haven't tried to escape again," Ren replied mockingly.

Astra didn't respond. She crossed her arms across her chest as she continued to eyeball the ceiling.

"Do you know what you did to Hux?" Astra scoffed defiantly.

"I am well aware of my actions," Ren replied, as if what he did wasn't horrendously unacceptable.

"Well aware?" Astra jeered sarcastically.

"Are you not going to take responsibility for your actions?" She added.

Ren didn't reply to her aggression. Astra couldn't tell if he were being stubborn, or if he was just being an asshole.

Astra rolled onto her back, and Ren remained silent. Astra was furious, but not because she felt pity for Hux. She was mad at Ren for lashing out like he did. Ren didn't own her, and Astra didn't think Ren had any right to be mad at her, or Hux.

"You don't own me," Astra murmured almost inaudibly.

"I never said I did," Ren replied defensively.

"Then why'd you get so mad?" Astra snapped as she rolled onto her side once more.

Astra waited for a moment, but Ren never replied. He was definitely ignoring her this time.

"Don't be a child," Astra jabbed as she nudged Ren's shoulder.

Ren shuffled away from her before turning his back to her face.

"Come on Ren," Astra grumbled. Of course Ren was being an asshole again, but Astra didn't expect it. She thought that maybe he would at least have the decency to answer her questions, but apparently he did not.

"You're impossible!" Astra exclaimed harshly before sitting up, and nudging him on the shoulder once more.

Ren didn't move. He simply gave her the silent treatment, and Astra wasn't going to take it.

"What?" Astra scoffed.

"You scared of me?" She teased, pushing him hard in the back.

"Scared of a little girl?" She prodded again. She new she was upsetting him, and she could feel it. She sensed immense pressure within him, and it motivated her to continue pushing his boundaries.

"You can't even even face-,"

"Would you stop being such a pest!" Ren howled violently as he turned his body to face hers. Astra froze in shock as his messy, black hair swung violently in front of his rage filled eyes.

"I'm tired of arguing with an uneducated, adolescent, shit disturber!" Ren scolded harshly. His cheeks were bright red, and his hands shook in fury.

Astra smirked slightly. She was quite pleased with herself. She finally managed to get a reaction out of him.

"You have such a short fuse," Astra giggled as she tucked a hair behind her ear.

"It's pretty easy to get to you," she smirked, and Ren rolled his eyes.

"Further proving my point," he sighed loudly before running a hand through his hair.

"Your point being...?" Astra raised an eyebrow.

"As I stated before, you're an angsty little girl with no filter," Ren added.

"I am not angsty," Astra croaked jokingly as she began to lay back down on the bed.

"That's debatable," Ren shrugged mockingly while he shifted himself into a more comfortable position.

"Then debate," Astra retort with a large smile.

Ren paused before shifting his eyes away from hers. He sighed audibly as he shrugged his shoulders again.

"I'm in no mood," he finished before laying himself back down on the bed.

Astra rolled her eyes menacingly.

"You never are," she whispered before laying down next to him.

"You're a nuisance," Ren joked lightly as he rubbed his eyes casually.

"As are you," Astra countered.

Ren laughed slightly, and Astra felt his guard slowly slip down. Finally, he was no longer angry. It seemed that humour was the way to go when it came to getting through to him.

"I should be going soon," Ren yawned before dragging himself out of bed.

"You always have to go," Astra sobbed with overwhelmingly dramatic puppy dog eyes.

Ren sighed as he made his way towards the bathroom.

"As much as I'd love to stay," Ren began, "I've got a job to do," he finished.

"It can't be that important," Astra teased playfully.

Ren stopped in place just as he was reaching for the door handle of the bathroom.

"Trust me," he paused, "it is," he smiled before slipping into the room.

What could be so important anyways? From what Astra saw, Ren did nothing more than fly around to nearby planets and harass his colleagues. If he considered that important, then so be it.

Astra heard the sound of the shower turning on just as the bathroom door wedged open slightly.

"Care to join me?" Ren smirked, and Astra was in no place to deny such an offer.

Restraints; Kylo Ren and General Hux Fanfiction OCWhere stories live. Discover now