Part 41: Mission

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"How can I trust you," Rey hesitated as she placed a helmet on top of her head.

"What do you have to lose at this point," Astra scoffed as she crawled up behind the pilots seat.

"My friends," Rey gulped as the fighter began to take flight.

"What about your family," Astra voiced innocently.

"Don't guilt me," Rey sighed as the wayfinders coordinates calculated into the fighters path.

"Rey, I'm on your side now," Astra admitted. Since The First Order was at a loss, and Hux was supposedly dead, there was nothing left for Astra to fight for anyways. Hux, and Rey were on the other side. There wasn't anything holding her back at this point.

She even felt like Ren had shifted. While unconscious, Astra had felt something move within her. She had a strange stabbing feeling that made her assume Ren had finally switched sides. Although, it could have been her untreated concussion. But that was besides the point.

The stakes were too high. Ren- Ben needed to keep his cover so the First Order wouldn't destroy him. Astra was tempted to do the same.

"Listen, I just need to talk to one person," Astra pleaded as the fighter left the planets atmosphere.

"Again, how can I trust you?" Rey scolded.

"Can't you feel it?" Astra mentioned.

"Feel what?"

"I've changed and you can trust me."

Rey was silent for a moment. Astra knew Rey was aware of her shift, but she had every right to be sceptical.

After a long moment of pure silence, Rey handed a communication device to Astra.

"Thank you," Astra grinned as she began punching in a contact.

"You're welcome," Rey replied.

"This is Astra, apprentice of Kylo Ren, and I wish to speak with Stormtrooper MA-R14," Astra announced confidently into her microphone in hopes that whomever just answered her call wouldn't question her.

"Yes ma'am, right away," the voice replied, and Astra was patched through immediately.

There was static on the other end while she awaited her second caller to pick up. The X-wing was already on its way to Exegol, and Astra knew she didn't have much time.

"Stormtrooper MA-R14 reporting," the voice answered, and Astra immediately began to spill her plan.

"Maria! It's Astra! I need your help right away!" Astra shouted.

"Yes, sure! What do you need?" Maria asked.

"I need you to go to the armoury and pick up a set of armour for a man who's roughly six feet tall," Astra commanded.

"That's an odd request, but I'm right next to the armoury so I'll do it," Maria replied, and Astra listened to the sound of the armouries doors opening, and closing.

"What next?" Maria asked as she collected the armour.

"I need you to sneak over to my quarters. Once you're there, I'll give you a code to get into my room," Astra demanded, and Maria agreed to go.

Astra was happy with how compliant Maria was. There was little time for questions, and Maria seemed to understand that. She seemed to understand a lot actually. She had definitely changed since Astra and her were together.

"Why am I doing this exactly?" Maria asked happily as she made her way down to Astra's room.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you," Astra joked, and she could hear Maria laugh on the other end of the line.

"You wouldn't dare," Maria chuckled.

"Wanna bet?" Astra joked.

The two of them spoke for sometime until Maria eventually reached Astra's door. Astra promptly gave her the code to enter, and told her not to worry about who was in the room.

When Astra heard the door open, Maria immediately gasped as she dropped the armour onto the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Maria scorned odiously while Astra begged her to calm down.

Astra couldn't hear Hux reply overtop of Maria's dreadful screeching, but she knew Hux was trying to defend himself. It wasn't working.

"Maria it's all part of the plan!" Astra blurted out finally after Maria had thoroughly cussed Hux out for faking his death.

"You won't even tell me the plan!" Maria replied shakily as she kicked the armour over towards Hux.

"I can't because it's a secret between Ren and I," Astra lied as Maria began to cool down.

"And faking a generals death is part of it?" Maria scoffed ignorantly as Astra rolled her eyes.

"Yes," Astra sighed as Maria mumbled something under her breath. Astra didn't miss this side of her. Maria was easily aggravated, and she was someone who was always on edge. Astra never knew what was going to set her off.

"Maria, I just need you to go through with this plan, ok?" Astra announced, and Maria sighed in agreement.

"Alright, now let Hux disguise himself, and when he's done, I need you to lead him to a hanger that contains some sort of confiscated resistance craft," Astra declared.

"You want me to steal a ship for you?" Maria croaked loudly as she stepped out of the room to allow Hux to change.

"I know it's a lot, but this is what will win the war," Astra assured. In a sense, Astra wasn't lying. She just didn't mention which side of the war would win.

Maria didn't reply. They sat in silence for a bit until Hux had finished changing.

"Go retrieve a craft and tell Hux to send me his exact coordinates so I can transfer him my current route," Astra stated.

"Will do," Maria sighed as Hux and her began walking towards the hanger.

"Thank you Maria," Astra smiled into the microphone as she tried not to sound upset.

"Thank you for everything," Astra added weakly.

"You're welcome," Maria replied through a soft smile before Astra cut the line.

She knew Maria wasn't going to make it out alive. As much as she wanted to save her, she couldn't. Astra knew Maria was devoted to the First Order, and telling her anything about this plan would definitely cause her to snitch.

It was dreadfully tragic that Maria had been conditioned this way. She was a much stronger trooper than Astra, and she was one to never break a single rule. That was her life until she had met Astra. But even after everything they had been through, the one thing Astra knew she wouldn't be able to change was Maria's devotion to the First Order.

Some troopers suffer more conditioning than others, and Maria was a prime example of it. A shell of a human she could have been.

As unfortunate as it was, Astra knew that was the last time she would be talking to her friend. Once this war was over, the First Order would be no more, and Maria would disappear with it.

"You alright?" Rey asked as she sensed Astra's tension.

"Yeah," Astra paused.

"I had to say goodbye to a friend for the last time," Astra's voice wavered as she leaned her back against the wall.

"I'm sorry," Rey replied empathetically as she kept her eyes on the route in front of her.

"It's alright," Astra sighed as she ran a hand through her tangled hair.

"She wasn't that good of a kisser anyways," Astra giggled, and Rey laughed loudly in response.

"I sense you've got some stories to tell me," Rey chuckled as Astra beamed behind her.

"Don't even get me started," Astra snorted, and the two began talking about everything they had on their minds.

Restraints; Kylo Ren and General Hux Fanfiction OCWhere stories live. Discover now