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*One Week Later*

"Hey baby girl you ready?"

"Oh shit are you close?"

"I'm pulling up now ma"

"Okay one sec."

I just came from finish up the paperwork for the house. in 48 hours, I should see a payment of $20,000 in my bank account. I sat in the car chilling waiting on Lauren to come out. My phone virbated I got a text from Zach.

Z: Let me know when y'all close

Me: Bet

He invited me and Lauren to a little get-together he having at his house. Normally I don't go to shit like that but, he wants to do a little cake and ice cream for his daughter's birthday and Id feel fucked up if I said no for no reason at all. Besides, he's been dying to meet Lauren, the girl Ty described as the love of my life. I was mad at the time but I'm startin to think he was onto something.

Lauren jumped in the truck catching me off-guard. I glanced over. God damn she look good. I still can't believe a woman this fine is all mine. Her skin glowed as the sun beat off of her face.

"Lauren you look so fucking good."

She laughed "Thank you baby, I tried, this weave just doesn't want to do right."

"Well it look right to me"

"I know, your so sweet baby, let's go I'm sure they're already started."

We got to Zacks spot and I turned off the engine.

Me: I'm here bruh


Lauren was about to get out the car but I stopped her. "Hold on baby"

I reached in the glove compartment and pulled out a blunt. Lauren shook her head at me "You don't have to go everywhere high not everywhere."

I laughed "shit I don't need to get high when I'm with you, this Make me higher that's all "

She hit my arm playfully "You are so corny. I love you."

"I love you more"

"Baby let's go they have food inside you know I'm always hungry."

"You ain't lying" I chuckled.

we made our way up the stairs and I knocked on the door. Zach swung the door opened hard as fuck, smiling. The mf didn't even look at me. Just Lauren.

"Wassup man"

"What's up fam"

I handed him a little envelope with $40 in it. I don't know what to get kids for their birthday. I Always told my mom just get me money.

I dapped him up and walked in. He stood at the door trying to take Lauren's jacket like he's a gentleman. Nigga know damn well he don't be doing all this. Let me watch this dude for he try to take this girl too. We followed Zach into the living room. It was a small party just like he said. Just his mom, his brother Jared and Jared's kids. PJ too, he strolled in after I annoyed his ass out for not being here. Its Sunday he wasn't doing nothing but sleeping anyway.

"So Lauren" We were sitting down at the kitchen table drinking beer. The kids were running around in the living room. "Did you really have Jordan all depressed and shit when y'all broke up?" I glared at Zach.

Lauren chuckled "Well, I don't know, but what I will say is I wasn't too happy about it either. Let's just say my dad had old-fashioned ways."

"oh okay so you didn't even want to do it? Jordan made it seem like you was evil or some shit."

I snapped at Z "Aye man, shut up, see this why I don't be telling y'all shit"

PJ laughed grabbing another beer out the fridge. "Oh so it's ok for you to play too much but not us?"

"Hey hey, y'all get off my baby" Lauren said grabbing my thigh under the table.

"Exactly ma" I kissed her soft lips.

"Daddy daddy" A little girl came running in pulling on Z. She literally looked like a mini version of him

"Wassup baby" he bent down rubbing her back.

"Icecream now, please" she whined.

"Aight okay, let me just make sure Mama's ready." The little girl got excited as fuck and ran off.

Zach stood up "I guess we're doing icecream, let me go get this woman."

We sung Happy birthday and did a little bit of cake and ice cream. hell Lauren ate more cake than the damn kids. I don't know where all this food goes. It's not like she always blowing up the bathroom I feel like I'm in the bathroom more than she is. It must all go to that fat ass.

We sat down in the living room chilling. Zach's mom came and left and all the kids were in the room. His brother Jared was outside sitting on the steps. Lauren had her legs propped on my mine. Zach and his baby mama Ashley was sitting across from us. PJ claimed he went to get some more weed. So I guess we will see. I pulled out my phone.

*New Message* Laila

I guess everybody finally beat me down. I finally unblocked her. I still haven't talked to her though, I just let her send me pictures.

Laila: Please come to my appointment. 2tmorrow 1pm.

I closed it out. I noticed Lauren glancing over my shoulder but she never said anything.

Just then the door burst open. PJ came running in. Jared came behind him "Man get yo shit they got me fucked up!"

Z jumped up "What's wrong!"

"Man them niggas tried to rob me just now. On god three of them boys just hopped out a black truck on me. "

Zach took off his jewelry and went in the room. PJ looked at me. "Bruh what you doing let's go nigga, I know you got yo shit on you."

I looked at Lauren, she was already looking me. I couldn't read her face. I looked back at PJ.

"Umm, I ain't got it bruh" I lied, I did it. Ever since they took Zack I never leave my house without it.

"Nigga why? Them mfs coming for me, hell for us?"

"Man they coming for you. I ain't got no beef with nobody."

"Mf you do now."

"Okay bro damn my bad I forgot it. We'll go after them later, let's play it smart they expecting us to retaliate now anyway."

"She's right bruh"
Zach was standing in the hallway leaning against the wall. I can see the print under his shirt.

PJ look at me, then at Zach then back at me. "Man fuck y'all"

I walked over to him. "We gone to handle it, trust me."

PJ plopped down on the couch mad as fuck and started rolling a blunt. Now that the kids are gone I rolled one up too. Me him and Zach smoked while Lauren scrolled on her phone. Already know its going to be some shit when I get home. Lauren been quiet for a while now.

xHigher Ceilingsx (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now