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She pulled up to a big ass apartment complex, my truck followed behind her. I parked, hopped out and got my bags from the trunk. I followed her inside the building. It was kind of nice, one of those luxury apartments downtown. I'm kind of salty, I wanted to stay downtown but somebodyyyy wanted to be out in the suburbs.

We got to her place and she open the door,no came in behind her

"This is kinda nice."

She had a whole white and baby blue thing going on. Leila would have loved this. She had a huge dream catcher hanging over her flat screen and a whole bunch of pictures of a little white dog hanging up.

"Thanks...I bought it all myself" she turned around saying it all sarcastically.

I was going to be like 'I'm surprised' but that's probably cuz I'm in a shity mood. And I guess I can calm down. Seeing how at least for now, she's trying to help.

"Where do I put my stuff?"

She walked down the hall and pointed to the door on her left, "in here".
She swung the door open turning the light on and walking away. She walked to the door at the end of the hall and opened it. A little dog shot out the room faster than a motherfucker. It ran in three circles before coming back to Lauren

"Hey my baby, hows my good boy."
She sat down on the floor rubbing and kissing all over it. It was kinda cute I ain't even gone flex.

"Hol that Bacon?"

She smiled "Yesssss isn't he cute as hell."

I chuckled "yea..." I held up my bag "I'ma go put this up."

I want in the room and set my stuff down on the bed. I checked the time on my phone. Damn that shit on 8% and it's 1:30 in the morning. It's gonna be hell tomorrow. Not to mention I don't got Zach right now, so I'm going to have to leave early get the shit from PJ and go back to my job. I set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. then I set another one for 4:35 cuz I know how I am. I plugged up my phone in my laptop before taking out an outfit to wear in the morning. I grabbed some underwear and some sweats. I'm so exhausted mentally and physically, but I need to take a shower.

I came outside to ask Lauren where I could get a towel and washcloth. Her fat ass was sitting down on the couch she had the box of pizza laid open and was going in. I saw her toss a couple of pepperonis to the dog.

I don't know what it is about her, but even after all the nasty things me and this girl done did, she still seems....almost innocent to me.

"Hey I need to take a shower."

"Towels and washcloths are in the bathroom on the rack."

"Okay cool"

I went in the bathroom and close the door. I'm going to have to do this quick. Ain't no way in hell I'm about to be crying in the shower. I showered up quick, dried off and throw on my sweats. Damn.... I forgot to get a shirt. I had to use the towel the walk back in my room to throw on a tank top.

I came out the room and plop down beside Lauren. She was scrolling on Instagram.It was only one slice of pizza left.

"Oh so now you do insta? And how is only one slice left if I only had two?"

Lauren made of face at me then laughed. "I told you I was hungry, you're the one who didn't have a appetite"

"Yea I hear you." I grabbed the last slice eating it. Bacon was sitting at my feet waiting on me to throw him something. Buddy gone be waiting a long time.

Lauren dug in the side of her couch and pulled out a small joint. I thought she said she didn't smoke. She lit it and held it up

"Here, I rolled it while you where in the shower, you know I make my edibles so..."

Damn girl, about to spoil me already, no wonder I couldn't function when we broke up.

I took it and hit it a few times

"I can't believe he's dead...."

Lauren shifted in her seat
"I dad's dead....he died two years ago, I still can't believe it"

Shit good. Fuck him. He ruined my life

She glanced over at me"you don't have to be so happy about it"

Damn I must have smirked.

I sighed "I'm not happy about shiit right now, like I lost my fiance and my cousin died all in the same day. How the fuck does that happen?"

Lauren just stared at me for a while with those eyes, then she stood up and disappeared around the corner. She came back holding Bacon I guess he dipped off after I didn't give him my Pepperoni's. She put him in my lap.

"Hug him..." I must have looked annoyed.

"Jordan just do it, I promise it helps"

I picked up the dog, he looked happy, like he never paid a bill and his life. Must be nice. I pulled him to my chest.

"He feels good,all the good things?"

I nodded.

She rubbed on his head while I held him. He started getting excited and started trying to lick me on the face. I might like dogs but I don't like them that much. I quickly gave him back to Lauren. She thought that was too funny.

I stood up, "I think I'm going to call it a night, I literally got to wake up in like 3 hours.

She frowned "Aww...ok...well goodnight"


I went in the room and layed down. I still can't believe this Lauren's house. I turned on some low music and closed my eyes. Flashes of Ty's face tortured me until I fell asleep.

My alarm went off and I immediately became pissed. I can't believe that's all the sleep I got. I feel bad for anybody that fucks with me today. I wonder if Zach's okay? And that's when it hit me, Zach, Ty, Laila. I tried to sit up and get a good look at the room. Wtf. I turned over, Lauren's beautiful face was lying right behind me. This woman does whatever she want, I never even knew she got in the bed.

I slid out trying to be quiet and slipped into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth put on my clothes and fixed my hair while I was in there. Ain't trying to wake her up, I don't feel like talking about my feelings right now.

I sighed

Today gonna be a long day.

xHigher Ceilingsx (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now