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Yesterday was straight up out of a movie. Shit don't even seem real. I can't believe Laila's pregnant, like it still seems insane. I don't want to deal with that bitch for the next 18 years. Even though I have to deal with that, at least it seems like me and Lauren finally about to make things happen. I know we all know this already, but I want this girl more than anything.

I struggled putting my shirt over my head. I was trying not to be so rough since I just got a retwist, but I got about 4 mins to leave the house before I'm late for our dinner reservation.

I jogged into the kitchen grabbed my keys. Bacon followed me, nibbling at my shoes almost tripping me up. I left out the door, hopped in my truck and sprayed on some cologne.

I checked the time, okay I should be there exactly at 7, good cause they will deadass let somebody take your spot and I don't feel like showing my ass today.

I text Lauren I was on the way there,she went out shopping with some gay dude she works with so she could get dressed there, she's suppose to meet me at the restaurant. I already know she's gonna be the finest woman in the room.

I pulled my black Escalade up to the huge entrance. The valet dude ran across the car fast as fuck. It was low key funny. I barely had time to open the door.

"Welcome to the Blue Whale, would you like standard parking or premium?" I have no idea what the difference is, as long as he still brining me my shit when I'm ready to leave I don't care.

I handed him the keys
"Standard please"

"Yes ma'am"

I made sure I had my wallet and went inside. The entrance was let no lie. I've only been here once taking my mom out but I've always wanted to come back, Laila hated seafood and always chose somewhere else to eat.

I'll walked up To the host.

"Hey how you doing I have a reservation for Jordan Jones at 7."

She stood there scrolling on her tablet for a while.

"Umm yes there you are, party for two?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay follow me."

She led me to a table that was position near the stage. They had some type of jazz band on stage. They sounded pretty good too. I said down.

"Hello my name is Jason I'll be your waiter this afternoon, would you like to order your drink now or wait on your guest?"

"I can order now, can I get two teas with lemon, and can you just bring out an entire bottle of champagne for me please?"

"Yes, no problem"

He quickly walked away and went to the back. "Look at you?" I turned around, Laurens beautiful face was standing behind me

She smiled "I guess your grown now, got me in this fancy place, coming to meet you, and you ordering my drinks for me"

She bit her lip and sat down in front of me. God damn. Her hair, she changed her hair. She had and a long black weave that waved around her face. She looks like a goddess or some shit. She had on a skin tight baby blue dress that small rhinestones going up the side. And her titties was sitting real fucking nice. She caught me looking

"Oh, do I look good?" She batted her lashes at me

"Hell yeah , really good" I couldn't help but undress her with my eyes.

Jason came back with our drinks. I ordered a pound of crab legs with shrimp stuffed macaroni. Lauren ordered fried lemon shrimp and mashed potatoes with a piece of cake. He took our order and went back I'm the kitchen.

xHigher Ceilingsx (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now