The Trade

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I got to Ty's 15 minutes later. Everybody's already here...good, I saw PJ's car in the driveway when I pulled up. I hopped up the stairs and swung the door open. Pj was on the couch cleaning his gun, Ty was pacing back and forth in front of the TV. He saw me and his eyes got big.

"Yo, what we bout to do?"

I sat down. To be honest I have no idea, but we can't be stupid.

I looked at PJ "You know these dudes better than I do. What should we do? We gotta get Zach" I thought about Zach's daughter, his baby Mom's, shit man I hope he aight. Is he even still alive?

PJ stood up.

"Go get him."

Ty turned around.
"Nigga how?"

"Easy.....with this" PJ pulled out a automatic machine gun. He put in the clip all dramatic. Oh hell this nigga gone get us shot.

Shit I got it "Aye whole up wait, I know what to do. You know Devin right? From school. Ain't he with them?"

PJ smiled, he already knew what was up.

Ty sucked his teeth  "Nigga what that got to do with anything? He a scrub!"

I rolled my eyes "Ty shut up. Damn." I looked at PJ then back at Ty. "Devin thinks we all cool, let's roll up and take him. Our guy for there's."

"Oh shit that might work for real, I know where he work and all."

"Aight bet." I looked at Ty "Go hit them boys up, tell we got Devin."

"But what if they don't care? "

"They WILL" I snapped.

I put on my jacket
"Me and PJ gone meet you at the courts for the trade. Keep your phone close."

I headed out the door, PJ right behind me.

We jumped in the truck. Damn this shit crazy. Me and PJ sat silent the whole way to Devin's job, only speaking when he was giving me directions. Fuck , this shit fucking crazy. Shit like this is not supposed to happen. Especially Zach, he don't bother nobody. He's the only white boy I know that the hood got love for.

"Right here." PJ pointed to the shop at the corner.

He turned to me "all right I'ma go get him, what should I say? How Ima get him to come out?"

"Tell him we got some product he might can move, I don't know why he would believe it but, money talks."

"I feel you bruh... Hey Jordy when I get back have your shit ready. He might try to fight." I felt for the cold hard metal against my thigh. I guess we really bout to do this.

We dapped up "I got you bruh."

PJ disappeared around the corner in my heart skipped a beat. I know on outside I look like I'm just chilling, but to be honest I'm kind of scared. I ain't want to have to kidnap no damn body. What if he fights and we ain't got no choice but to try to quiet them.?What if PJ go off and kills this man? I ain't trying to kill no fucking body.

I heard voices murmuring in the distance and sat up trying to prepare myself. I looked up saw PJ and Devin  walking around the corner, PJ was talking real chill with him I'ma give him that. Nigga lie good as hell.

PJ walked over to the side of the door and opened it, Devon standing behind him. I turned in my seat facing towards them grabbing the pistol and taking the safety off. Just because I don't want to use it don't mean I won't.

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