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I tapped on the blue bubble.

Lauren: Just thought it was crazy seeing you. didn't leave to leave me on read. I can take a hint, stay safe.

I read her message and zoned out. I glanced up at her circular profile picture and clicked it. She was smiling her face perfect while she held up a small dog to the camera. I can't lie, I do wonder what happened with her, to her life. I sat down on the back porch and clicked on the text box.

Me: hey

Lauren: I should leave you on read too🙄

Me: I'm sorry, was busy all day

Yeah, that's an understatement if I ever said one.

Lauren: tsk tsk Jordan Jones.

Me: how was your day

I can't believe I'm talkin to her. Lauren, out of all people. I really did leave her and all the hurt that came with her, in the past.

Lauren: boring, went to work and back home. About to eat

Me: what you bout to eat?

Lauren: idk, probably warm up some leftovers.

I heard the back door open and swing closed.

"Yo, Jordy u taking Z home?

Shit. I'm tripping like hell. He was probably ready to go home as soon as we got here.

"Oh shit, mybad yes I got him"

I hopped up and went inside to the living room. Zach was slumped over in the couch with his head in his hands.

I tapped him "you ready?"


"Aight," I held the door open for him and we walked to the truck.

I hopped in the driver's seat.

Oh shit I never text her back

I took out my phone

Me: nah leftovers are trash

Lauren: lol not mine tf. I can cook cook

Damn, I remember a lot of things about her. Cooking is not one of them.

Me:nah, Mexican food where it's at

Lauren: I thought you liked Italian

"Hey Jordan, can we go. My girl waiting on me " Z stood there holding onto his arm like it hurt.

Shit shit shit. How I forget this Nigga again. Ain't nobody tell him to be in the back all quiet. I put my phone up and we sped off. Every once in awhile I looked in my rearview mirror at Zach, he was nodding in and out of sleep.

I felt my phone vibrate.

Lauren: wanna link at Jose's? Catch up and eat hella tacos.

My heart dropped. Shit...shit. i can't...I have a whole fiance.

Me: idk about that, my fiance might not like that

Lauren: oh wow, congrats when's the big day?

Me: we haven't set it yet, should be soon

I pulled up to Zach's crib.

"Aight bro, lay low. Go ahead and take that vacation early. I'll make sure you good."

He got out the truck

I stopped him "Hol up"

I hopped out and went to my trunk opening it and taking out a stack.

xHigher Ceilingsx (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now