Work (Explicit)

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I was leaning against my truck waiting on Zach to pull up. I finished and threw my blunt down once I saw his car turn into the parking lot.

*New Message*

Laila: Appointment today at 4. Come or don't, I'm done begging you.

Smh. Nobody asked her to beg me. Hell nobody asked her to get pregnant. I can't believe I was dumb enough to let her sign those papers. It was supposed to be so she could keep our kid in case I got shot and died or some shit. Hell that don't sound too bad right about now.

Zach got out the car. I stared him up and down then walked over to him.

"You need to fix this collar man. Other than that, you look good." I said.

"Thanks, you know all I wear is t-shirts."

I laughed "Trust me I know"

I held the door open for him and we walked inside.

"Aye Jordan, for real man. This is crazy. You really got me a job here. "

I smiled, "Don't thank me, it was Lauren's idea, I explained the situation, she had your back."

"See, I knew I liked her, Laila always seemed off to me." He followed me in my office and we sat down.

"Yea I bet, speaking of Laila, Lauren's thinks I should actually talk to her, like huh? I don't get it"

"Well...I don't know dude, just make sure you don't have any regrets."

What the hell does that mean?

I looked at the time. Shit, I'm in here talking, let me show this dude where he's working. I took Zach to the supply room and showed him how we operate. I set everything up for him and walked off. I called Lauren. "Hey baby"

"You were right, this shit kinda lit"

"See I told you this would work out. Once you told me how Zach is I knew it'd work."

"That's why I need you forever baby."

"I love you"

"I love you too." I hung up and went back to work.

Before I knew it the day was over. I was busy all day with taking new orders, making sales, and running over to check on Zach. After a while he did aight by himself. I clocked out and headed to my truck. I checked to see if bae hit me up before swerving off.

I swung the door open and checked my phone 4:09pm. I didn't even realize I was driving here until I was halfway across town. I looked around the office. Oh, there she is. I walked over to Laila. She glanced up and I nodded my head at her before sitting down. Im not sure what I expected but...she didn't say anything. She just played games on her phone ignoring me. Let me text Lauren,

Me: Bae, I'm at Laila's appointment.

Lauren: really?🙀

Me: yea dont spaz ok

Lauren: wow, no that's fine I'm just shocked. It's okay. Keep me updated.

Me: I love you.

The door swung open

"Lailani Peterson!"

We both glanced up. My heart began to pump harder. Damn I'm nervous. I mean, I have no idea what to expect. Laila stood up, Fuck. I saw her like two weeks ago she wasn't that damn big. Shit, I don't even know how many months she is. I don't know anything. Maybe that's why Lauren wanted to me stay in contact with her

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