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I didn't speak at all. I'm not sure what I would have said. Never in my life did I think I would see this woman again. It's been 5 years. And even after 5 years Ive never forgot about her, the way she hurt me. I just tried to Let it fade away. Shit I can't believe I almost forgot how beautiful she I finally shook it off and made my way to the sink to wash my hands. Her eyes followed me. She stared at me through the mirror until I was standing right next to her.

I tried my hardest not to make things awkward, but I could hear my heart beating, my blood was going a hundred miles per hour. I turned towards her. It was almost like she was waiting for me to say something.

"H-Hey Lauren."

She shifted "Hi"

I finished washing my hands..

"How you been doing."

This can't be real.

"I'm fine." She whispered.

I stood there awkwardly.
I shoved my hand in my pockets. Oh my God , I thought I grew out of this, I guess Lauren brought it back

Shit I have no idea what to say. Why do I feel like I'm about to throw up?

For no reason at all I blurted out
"I like you hair."

What the fuck Jordan. That's the best you could come up with? I did like it though. She had it cut a lot shorter than last time I saw her. No more long wavy hair. Honestly it don't matter though, she's so beautiful. The haircut lets you see her face better.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asked. I could tell she was scanning me up and down.

"I just moved over here, I work not too far down the road."

"Oh okay, its good to see you're doing well." She nodded towards the Rolex on my wrist.

"Yeah... what you doing here?"

"Oh....I work here." she turned showing me the name tag that was staring directly at me this whole time

"Oh damn haha...ok cool."

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Shit it's Asia. I'm tripping.

I made my way to the door. I knew I was in a rush but I wanted to look at her one last time. Damn, I cant my believe I thought I was gonna boss up with her and grow up together.
Looks like I didn't need her anyway.

"Well it was nice seeing u." Lauren called out.

"Yea you too."

I got the cash then hopped back in the whip. I floored it all the way to my moms. got to catch Asia before she get on the bus. I pulled up and she was already waiting at the bus stop.

"Wassup Mini Mi"
She rolled her eyes.

"Hey Jordy...u got it?"

"Duhhh" I held it out the window. She went to grab it.


"Oh my God stop."

"Nope, give me a hug first."

"Ugh, really the bus is gonna be here soon."

"Well you better get to hugging."

I smiled as my sweet baby sister finally gave me a hug. Yes she gets on my nerves, but I'll kill anybody walking on this Earth to protect her.

The bus was pulling up as I was letting go "Ok ok, here. Have fun, no boys"

You would think I wouldn't have to tell a 11 year old no boys, but I was 11 once, and I ain't got time for nobody to be playing house with my lil sister.

I got back to the building exactly at 7:30. I opened the door and slid into the back of the group trying to blend in with everybody else. I tried to focus on our talking points for the week but I can't lie, I couldn't get Lauren's face out of my head. Her body, shit nice for real, she done got a lil thick but not too much. I wonder if she's single, I wonder if she ever thinks about me, what we we fucked.

Bruh chill, the fuck wrong with you? You bout to get married dumbass.

Ugh. I shook it off and focused on my bosses big-ass head for the rest of the meeting.

The rest of work was business as usual. My clients came in drop their name and got what they ordered. By the end of the day I had a total of 30 orders. I got on the work computer and logged in to our stat tracker. Looks like everybody else got about 19-20. Yeah, I should be getting a raise real soon.

I was on my way home when bae called. I picked up.

"Hey beautiful how's your day."

"It's good baby, is it okay if I hang out at Keisha's tonight. Relationship problems."

"Ah damn babe"

"I know I know but she's been really upset all day at work, she's been snappy, we just really want to have a girl's night, I mean it's Friday."

"Baby baby go, haha I'ma just miss you. I'll probably chill with my Z and Ty til u get home."

"Aww ok baby I love u." She made kissy noises all in the phone. Lol she's too cute.

"I love u too ma."

xHigher Ceilingsx (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now