New Money

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"Bae, can you hand me that belt?"
I pointed to the belt hanging on the doorknob. Laila tossed it to me before getting back in bed.

"I'ma miss you babe, ever since you started this new job you always leave so early." She pouted.

"I know you hate it, me too. But it's just until our wedding, once we get that paid off. I can chill" I stood in the mirror fixing my hair.

She laid back dramatictly.  "Ugh, I'm just ready to be married already"

I smiled then picked up my phone.

"Trust me I know baby." I leaned down to kiss her before I headed out the door. Got shit to do.

"I love you ma."

"I love you too baby drive safe."

I jogged down the stairs and slammed the door behind me. I pulled out a blunt and lit it on my way to work. I'll be the first one there so I'm not worried bout anyone smelling it.

I got to the building and headed back to the shop area. I checked my phone and waited on Zach to pull up. Okay cool I got 17 orders today. Which means I'm a make 17 sales plus the regulars one. Already looking like another good week.

I heard the back door open.

"What's up man"

"What's going on Zach you gotem all?" He sat his duffle bag down.

"Yep all 17."

"Aight bet, let's get this over with."

We sat down at the table got to work. Zach pulled out the scale and started making cuts.I packaged it it all up.

"Okay Jay this is the last one" He handed me the sack and stood up. "Gotta go take my daughter to school."

We dapped up "Aye say less, be safe."

I finished up and put the product the away before anybody else got to the office.

*Incoming Call*

I answered
"Damn, why you up so early?"

"Cause... mama said I gotta ask you.."

"Ask me what?"

"For field trip money...I wanna go please Jordy"

"Asia why you don't just ask her?"

"I didddd ...she said I waited too late. I don't see how."

I laughed "Yeah, that sounds like Ma."

"Well...." She said annoyed

"Man damn, you know I be having a lot going on...When you need it?"

She got quiet "Today."

Bruh I know you lying

"See, now I know why she told you no"

I sighed "Man you lucky you my sister. Ima head to the bank, I'll swing by there in a few. How much?"


"Ok I got u."

"Ok thanks" She hung up before I could even say bye. Ungrateful ass.

I made sure everything was put up and out the way then made my way to the car. I need to get the money,get to my moms, and back at the office by 7:30. Man ain't nobody tryna rush to get to some boring ass meeting.

I checked the time. 6:45. Only 45 mins. Smh. Thanks Aisa. I took out my phone and GPS the nearest bank. I normally just go to the one by my house. I turned into the parking lot right before 7 and pulled on the door.

I swung the door open quickly trying to get in and out. There was already old black man with boat shoes on in line waiting. Damn, I was supposed to be the first person here. I made my way to the restroom while I waited, I had to pee. I wiped the toilet seat then sat down scrolling on my phone. Out of nowhere the bathroom door burst open, heels clicking. I guess somebody's in a rush.

"Shit" she mumbled to herself.I heard something fall on the floor she must have bend down to pick it up.

Okay I need to go, I'm sitting here wasting time scrolling on tik Tok. I stood up and opened the door to the stall.

At first I thought I was tripping. I mean, maybe I hit the blunt too hard. Is this really happening right now? I was stuck as I stared at the reflection of my first love. My chest began to tighten. I don't even think she would have saw me had I not stumbled into the stall  looking a damn fool. She glanced up and caught my eye.

Ms Lauren

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