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I felt a tap on my shoulder and lifted my head. Some random nurse lady was standing over me. She had blood all over her shirt. I jumped up "My baby-"

"He's fine, he's fine... Laila's okay." She turned her head towards the door. "We had to go ahead and put her under. She'll be sleeping and in a lot of pain, be careful with her." I nodded

"Soooooo." She smiled. "Do you want to meet him?"

I paused "Huh?"

She laughed "I love this part of my job. I guess he doesn't have a name yet-"

"King... Kingsley" I managed to say

"Oh cute, well Kingsley is ready to meet you. He's in NICU. He's early so it's just a precaution. But he's healthy...and cute."

The room faded in and out. It took me a while to process it. He's here. Like he's actually here. I don't even have his crib yet, or his room, or hell the house. I started to panic.

I felt a hand in my shoulder
"It's okay, take your time. I'm sure you weren't expecting this tonight."

Yea. She ain't never lied. I pulled out my phone.

Me: baby everythings ok He's here✊💯 meet me at the front desk

I met Lauren at the front and hugged her. She squeezed me tight before letting go. "You ready Jordan?" I nodded. She slid her fingers into mine and followed me to the back. My mind was going everywhere. Im going to see my son. Even though he was unexpected I want him, I feel like I need him.

I found the nurse lady and she took us back to where the babies were. Even though some were white, and brown. Man all them damn babies looked the same. The nurse held the door open and I went inside, Lauren stayed outside watching me through the glass. Cute baby sounds filled my ears. I glanced back at her and she smiled.

The nurse paused in front of a tiny tiny brown baby. He was inside some sort of incubator. All kind of tubes were connected to his chest. My heart stopped. I saw her pick up a clipboard.

She scribbled

Kingsley Jones

Then sat it back down. "Now we can't take him out yet but..." She stepped back.

Oh my God

I leaned forward. His eyes...I chuckled he's got old man eyes. Looks like my dad's honestly. His tiny round face looked so innocent. He slept peacefully. I groaned and glanced back at Lauren. I want her to see him. She was watching me intensely, and tapping her left foot softly. I know her anxiety is through the roof. I smiled and she smiled back. I pulled out my phone and took two pics of his sweet face. I sent them to Lauren

Lauren : Oh my God baby I'm gonna cry😭 he's so cute♥️♥️♥️♥️

Me: ikr this is crazy, we don't even have a crib

Lauren: don't worry baby, enjoy him.

I put my phone down and turned towards him. The nurse left me a few minutes ago. I found a chair and pulled it beside him. I sat there for hours.

"Ms. Jordan"

I glanced up. Damn I fell asleep again. I looked over at Kingsley. He was cooing.

"Ma'am can you come with me?"

"Yea but what's wrong?"

"No worries, Ms Laila requested you"

Ugh. I forgot about this bitch.

"Sure" I stood up and went back to the room. Laila was laying down, looking tired..really tired.

I sat down "Hey...What's up?"

She looked over, "They won't let me see him. I want to see him please." Her eyes were low, she barely opened them. Damn. I mean she is laying on a hospital bed cut open to have my baby.

"The doctor said you can't right now, but here...look". I pulled out my phone and held it up showing her the pictures.

"Oh my God... he's beautiful Jordan."

"Yea, he's perfect."

I took my phone back and Laila eyes started to water. A tear fell down her face.

"You still in pain? Man these doctors ain't shit. I'll go tell the nurse."

"No...that's not it." She tried to sit up.

"Aye chill what you doing?"

She struggled before laying back down. She gave up.

"....Your gonna take him away from me Jordan. I can't fight you for him and win. We both know it.... But he's mine. I feel it in my heart. I'll die without him."

I didn't know what to say. Technically she's right. He's mine. But my cousins dead, she broke my trust, my life's changed forever... honestly her feelings don't really matter to me. We had something good and she fucked it up. I could've met up and tried to cheat on her with Lauren, but I didn't. I left.

"Look man, you getting all upset for nothing, let's worry about all that later. It's gonna be a while before either one of you go home. I'll be here....ok?"

Laila started crying again.

"Chill man" I leaned forward and wiped her eyes. I don't know. I mean, she did something I would never do, have my kid. I know how I feel about him and I'd spaz too if somebody tried to take him away.

I heard the door open behind me and glanced over. Lauren walked in and I smiled huge. She wrapped herself in my arms. "Baby he's so cute." She walked over to Laila. " okay?"

Laila nodded "Just tired."

"Okay well, let us leave you alone. The nurse told me your mom's on the way up now. I'll tell her your sleeping."

"Okay thanks." Laila looked at me.

I turned to Lauren and slid my hands into hers. I closed the door behind us. Good. I was ready to get out of there anyway. It was getting all weird.

She glanced at me "You okay?"

"Yea, I just wanna see him real quick, then we can head out. This shit crazy baby, we gotta go get hella shit before he comes home, I gotta get the crib, put it together, sign on the hous-."

She rubbed my back gently as we walked back to the NICU "I know Jordy, just one thing at a time. I got you."

She waited outside while I went to say goodbye to King. He was sleeping peacefully. Damn man, this really my baby like. Wtf. His chest moved up and down with his fist balled. I took a few more pics before leaving out and going to Walmart.

Me and Lauren got back to the house 4 hours later. It was 2 o'clock in the morning when I last checked. We sat everything down in the living room. We put Bacon in the room. We had the crib, diapers, outfits, baby medicine, bibs, baby monitors the whole thing. I asked Lauren if I was doing too much but neither one of us know what we're doing so I just bought everything.

Bae sat down on the floor beside me.

"Hey bae did your mom say how long she's coming over?"

I shook my head "Nope, just cussed me out for not calling her earlier. She swear she's coming over to help when he comes home."

She rolled her eyes then shrugged "Well, it's gonna be small in here least she'll cook for us." I smirked and nudged her with my shoulder before taking my knife and unboxing the crib.

"I think I'ma just go ahead and get the house, it's in the Hills close to my job. I'll add on to the house later if I want to."

She rubbed my shoulder. "Aww okay baby"

I glanced over and looked at her

She chuckled "What?"

Her lips looked nice. I haven't felt them all night "Kiss me ma "

She smiled and leaned forward.

xHigher Ceilingsx (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now