Route Vote (not a chapter)

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Before I can write the story I need to know which route to write first. Just like fate/stay night there will be three routes. I this story the routes are the Fate route, the UDW route, and the Sinner's Garden route.

The fate route pairing will be Mordred.

UDW route the pairing will be Patty Lowell (for those that don't know who she is watch the Devil May Cry anime which takes place 18 years before this story)

Then finally the Sinner's Garden the pairing will be Ryōgi Shiki (watch Kara no kyoukai if you don't know who that is)

It's up to you guys which route I start writing first. the vote will end on March 5th. That's about it so see ya later guys and have a wonderful rest of your day.

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