Chapter 3: The Executor and Unstoppable archer

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Italic= thoughts

Caster POV

Saber and I materialized ready to fight and Y/n said "well, let's get this party started."

Y/n reached into his pocket and threw jewels at Kotomine when they got close enough they exploded. Kotomine shook it off and charged at Y/n but I got in his way and said "sorry mongrel, but you attacked my master and for that you will perish by my hands. May your death provide me with some modicum of entertainment, mongrel." I then summoned multiple swords from my gate of Babylon and sent them flying toward Kotomine, but somehow he deflected them with ease.

Then Y/n bursted in the middle of it with some strange sword in his hands and attacked Kotomine.

Then Y/n bursted in the middle of it with some strange sword in his hands and attacked Kotomine

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Master then yelled "Caster, help saber with Archer." I obeyed her command, but the moment I entered the battle Archer turned his attention to me and shot at me multiple times all while dodging saber easily.


I brought down revolution on Kotomine, but he blocked it and threw me back. Patty used Gandr and hit Kotomine in the stomach, but he just walked it off like it was nothing. I said "what the hell do you think your doing help the others with Archer. I got this." I pulled out heaven and hell and shot Kotomine, but he cut the bullets in half.

Who and What the fuck is this guy?! Kotomine then said "I expected better from you... Magus Killer." I then said "I had a career change three years ago so forgive me for being a little rusty." He then said "and what do you have to show for it? Nothing." I then said "actually I do have something to show for it. Allow me to show you the fruits of my labor."

Time Manipulation - Double Accel. The world around me slowed down as did everyone. I swung my sword at Kotomine, but he blocked it somehow and somehow deactivated my spell. Once again who and what the fuck is this guy?! All of a sudden a priest with white showed up and stabbed me with a katana.

 Once again who and what the fuck is this guy?! All of a sudden a priest with white showed up and stabbed me with a katana

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He kicked me into a wall. Saber then attacked the priest and Kotomine blocked her attack and threw her back.

Mordred POV

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