Chapter 10: Matou's end and Archer's identity

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I woke up to saber sleeping on my chest with bruises all over her body and I said "what happened?" She woke up and said "father and I fought." I said "for the love of god please tell me that I don't have to fix anything." She said "of course you don't." I said "thank god. Now would you please get off me." She said "fine." I healed her bruises and we left.


I walked into school and felt nauseous again but unlike the first time it was way worse and it didn't go away. I wandered around campus looking for the source, but it was too late when I did and a bounded field activated.

A red circle appeared and surrounded the school and I said "why do I feel like this is a bootleg Noble Phantasm?" I told saber to look for Rider since I heard from dad once that the previous rider servant had a bounded field similar to this one and I figured Takeshi made a bootleg version of it using some of his Rider's mana.

I ran inside and saw Takeshi waiting for me and I said "nice bootleg, but I thought copying Noble Phantasms was Shirou's thing not yours." He said "very funny Emiya, but it's all over for you this bounded field is eating at your mana as we speak and I saw your last fight with assassin's master. So I know about your new trump card." I said "is that so we'll know about something is one thing, but countering it is another." I tried to summon it and it didn't work for some reason I said "but, countering it is another." I tried again and still nothing, so I tried a gandr shot and nothing. I said "oh well... shit. Oh well I guess I'll just shoot you then." I took out my gun and fired when he was able to stop it in its tracks somehow. He said "really Emiya I thought you were smarter than that." I said "I am." So I detonated the small amount C4 I put in the bullet. All it did was cause a smokescreen though which I use to punch him in the face and into a wall without him seeing it coming.

He said "you really shouldn't have done that." I said "you say that about a lot of things and not one of them you were able to back up what you were saying." He said "well crest worms can eat your mana at least now they can." I said "wait what?" 20 crest worms pop out of the ground, but before they can touch me Kotomine and Archer show up and kill them all. Archer says "come with me kid." Kotomine said "I assume you want to kill this bastard." I say "hell yeah I do." Kotomine said "then I'll stall for time."

Saber POV

I got to the roof and saw rider waiting and he said "since this will be the last time we meet I want to know your name saber." I said "why is that rider?" He said "if I'm going to kill a woman I want to at least know her name after all I want to know her name." I got pissed and said "Mordred and you are?" He said "Achilles." I said "well Achilles before you die tell me how do you wanna die. A botched castration or disemboweling." He said "touched a nerve did I?" I said "your god damn right."

I charged at him with Clarent and swung it at his waist. He jumped above it and tried to stab me in the head, but I dodged to the right and it only cut my cheek. I brought my sword upwards and hit him in the junk with the broad side of it and launched him into the floor below.

I said "ya gonna stop underestimating me know." He spit out a tooth and said "definitely. Now Mordred let us begin our final battle knight of treachery."


I was sitting on the ground with my back facing archer I said "what the hell are you doing?" He touched my and scanned my magical circuits and said "figuring out why your projection wouldn't work... oh it seems you flooded your rarely used magical circuits with more mana than they're used to and seemed to put them in a state of shock." He did something to my back and I felt a strange amount of pain in my back and he said "wait here for a few minutes and your magical circuits will be back in working order." I said "how did you know what to do?" He said "that happened to me as well. I couldn't feel my arms after I did it as well." How the hell did he know I couldn't feel my arms? Who the hell is this guy? I said "hey archer before we go, do you have any idea why Berserker has an obsession with you?"

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