Chapter 18: Time Alter and heaven's gate

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I materialized Yin and Yang and said "well then... this party's gettin crazy... let's rock."

(Play the song)

Shiki charged at me and tried to cut me, but I blocked her knife and threw her back. I charged at her saying "come on you got to have more than that." She responded by charging at me and speeding up her attacks. I jumped back dodging her attacks she lunges herself at me and I kicked her into the ground. She took the chance when she landed to stab me in the ankle so I kicked her into a wall.

Saber POV

My sword clashed with Assassins knife and he said "You know ordinarily I wouldn't stand a chance against you, but I was never known to fight fair." I kick him back and he disappeared and reappears behind me and I was covered in stab wounds and deep cuts along with a bullet in my back.

He got out an smg and shot at me. I dodged the majority of the bullets, but a lot still hit me. When he stopped firing for a moment I took the opportunity and cut into his leg.


Shiki charged at me and said "why do you have the need to endanger everything around you!?" I blocked her attack and said "why do you need to destroy everything around you?" I head butted her and stabbed her side. She got up and tried to cut me, but I jumped back and traced multiple swords above her. She dodged most of them, but one she grabbed and threw at me. I deflected it and ran up to her and brought down yang and she barely blocked it.

She said "you know what that doesn't matter all that matters is killing you." She threw me back and attempted to stab me but I countered her blade with yin and said "sorry grim reaper, but I have the upper hand." I kicked her and she went into a wall. I said "your right are tendencies to endanger or destroy don't matter now. All that matters right now... is that I win."

Saber POV

Assassin was using time manipulation to get the upper hand and I fell to my knees. I said "it's not over yet!" I got up and charged at him. That's when he said "yes... it is..." he got out a gun aimed for me and was about to fire.

" he got out a gun aimed for me and was about to fire

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When my father appeared and knocked him away.

When my father appeared and knocked him away

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Father said "that's enough Kiritsugu." Assassin got up and said "how do you know my name? You know what, it doesn't matter." He got out a detonator and pressed the button on top and the ground below father and I exploded, but we dodged it sustaining only minor burns.

Father said "well Kiritsugu let's finish this." I got up and said "your not leaving me outta this." Father and I charged at Assassin and stabbed him through the stomach we then kicked him off our blades he used more of his time magecraft and got behind us and we hit him with the pommels of our swords and hit him through a wall and into a tree. Father's sword began to glow and I activated my Noble Phantasm.

Assassin was destroyed and I said "a bit much, don't ya think?" Father said "maybe."


Shiki and I charged at each other and clashed blades. I said "it's over Shiki." She said "what makes you say that?" I jumped back and said "this!" I threw Yin and Yang at her and they flew past her I made another pair of Yin and Yang and cut her right leg and left arm. I then jumped back again as the original Yin and Yang that I threw cane back and cut her back almost open making her pass out from the pain.

(Stop the song)

I dematerialized both pairs of Yin and Yang. I used healing magecraft and healed her injuries and left the building with her knocked out on the ground. Mo-San said "why did you heal her?" I said "well she would die of blood loss if I didn't. Besides she's not really a bad person she's just a little off. Come on let's go." I called Revolution to me and said "Avenger was right we have 48 hours until the grail shows up so we gotta go now."

Caster POV

Just as Y/n predicted might happen B/n showed up and said "so your all that they left to fight me?" Gil said "it'll be enough, considering your just human." He said "I'm aware of the fact that you trained Y/n, but the thing about that is... he wasn't the only one trained by heroic spirits and not the only one trained by a Gilgamesh, I just got Archer while he got the inferior one." He snapped his fingers and portals similar to my Gate of Babylon appeared the only difference was they were black in color.

He said "Gate of Babylon meet... Heaven's Gate!" A series of weapons some swords, some spears, some axes, and more all cane flying at me I attempted to counter them with my treasury, but only some were deflected the others impaled me. He said "it seems the weapons of man cannot compare to the weapons of the divine. Before I kill you do you want to know why Enkidu the chains of heaven won't work on Y/n and I? It's not because we're not divine after all a normal human still can't escape their grasp it's because we're the exact opposite of divine. Every gimmick on a weapon has its drawbacks Enkidu' is that the more demonic someone is the weaker the chains become... now goodbye king of mongrels." He fired a large amount of weapons from his Heaven's gate and they all struck.

Patty POV

I saw Caster get killed by B/n I was about to run and tell Y/n, but B/n noticed me. He appeared in front of me and grabbed my hand and said "and just where do you think your going? After all I could never not have enough of these." He stole both sets of command seals and threw me to the side and said "don't beat yourself up after all not even the king of heroes stands a chance the only one that does is Y/n and Archer although I guess they are the same person. Now time for you to die." A multitude of summoned swords appeared in front of me and he said "any last words?" I said "yeah I do, you took the bait." He said "what?"

In an instant all of the summoned swords were destroyed by Y/n's projections and saber appeared and kicked B/n 15 meters away. Y/n showed up beside Saber and said "hey there bro. Now I think it's time we buried the hatchet." B/n said "bury it where into your back?" Archer showed up and said "I told you it was a trap." B/n said "doesn't matter just defend!" I said "saber... with the power of my first command seal unleash your Noble Phantasm." B/n said "Archer shield me now!" Saber readied her Noble Phantasm and Archer said "hell's circles!"

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