Chapter 2

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Sarah's pov

I was washing the dishes when someone ringed the doorbell .  I left the dishes in the sink and walked to the door and answered it .  When I opened the door who do I see my mom my dad and my sister .

 They are here three days early .                                                                                     " Mom what are you doing here " she smiles and says" we wanted to surprise you and Colby by coming early ". " Ok just let me go call Colby I called him a few minutes ago to tell him about yall coming here and now I'll call him to let him know yall are here early" they just smiled and nodded .

Colby's pov  

I moan as my orgasm is near " Oh fuck Colby harder " Rebecca moaned out.        My thrusts stop and so does Rebecca's moans as we hear my phone ring for the second time.        Rebecca looks at me and says "baby please ignore it " I shake my head no and reply " that's Sarah something might be wrong "  she whined " Colbyyy" I laugh at her cuteness " let me see what's going on first ok " she looks at me when she reply's with " then will you make love to me" I smile and say " yes of course baby " .  I then reach for my phone and quickly hit answer .

Phone call 

Colby: Hey is everything alright 

Sarah: No my family is here now because they wanted to surprise us 

Colby: Well that sure wasn't expected    

Sarah: Yeah I just need you to get home now I got to go bye 

Phone call ended 

I sighed " beck's her family got there early so she needs me to come home right away  "  she looks like she's about to cry.
" so your just gonna take off ".
  oh no she's really upset "baby she needs me home so I got to go " .

She gives me a mad look and replies with that mean look " fine I don't care go do whatever you want to do " I sigh " baby please don't get mad at me " .
she rolls her eyes " whatever just get out of me so you can leave " .

I shake my head no and say " no I promised to make love to you " she huffs but replies " I thought you had to get back to your girlfriend ".

I smile as I rub my hand down her side " baby I love you and Sarah can wait a little bit .
Wait why don't you come to Iowa with me you can stay at an hotel and she won't have to know that your in lowa " .
She smiles real big " that's the smartest thing you've said all day now make love to me before we have to get out of here " .

I then start moving thrusting in and out as fast as I can.
The talking went quiet and the only sounds you could hear was the sound of skin clapping and Becky's moaning. "Colby I'm so close I'm gonna come " I pick up the pace as I lean down to take her niple in my mouth and suck .
As she tightens around me I feel my organism approach "ohhhhhh ".
I lay on my back bring her right next to me as we both start to recover and I feel my eyes start to feel heavy .

Sarah's pov

  Three hours Colby was supposed to be here three hours ago my family was watching a movie while we wait for Colby .

Fuck it I'm gonna call him .

Colby's pov

The sound of my phone wakes me up from my sleep .
I reach over and pick up my phone oh no its Sarah.

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