Chapter 6

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Colby's pov

I'm freaking out in my head I can't marry Sarah not when I'm in love with Rebecca .

I smile nervously "I don't know honey I'll have to think about it marriage is a big step" she smiles and says" okay love you have fun at your lunch " I nod then  go to get things ready for my lunch with Rebecca .

Becky's pov

I'm  so happy that Colby is going to have lunch with me I didn't think that I would get any time with him because of Sarah . 

I decided to take a shower before we go out to lunch . After my shower I look in the mirror and that's when I noticed the little purple mark on my left thigh I smile knowing that Colby put it there I then also noticed a little bump on my stomach man I guess I put on a little wight on .

After I was ready I went to the hotel lobby to wait for Colby to come and get me .

Colby's pov 

I left the house thinking of how I'm gonna tell Rebecca that Sarah want's to get married .
I made it to her hotel and texted her that I was there .
A few minutes later she comes out smiling as she gets in the car "so baby where are we going for lunch " I smile as I reply with " well we are gonna get a pizza and take it to the park and eat there " I say as she nods "that sounds lovely and peaceful " I nod as I take my one hand that I'm not using to drive to hold her hand .

We got our pizza and are now at the park "Rebecca I need to tell you something " she nods for me to continue " Sarah wants to get married "  she looks at me puzzled " I didn't know y'all were engaged " I say simply "we're not and I told her that but she said that you don't have to be engaged to get married people get married all the time that are not engaged and she wants to be one of them " Rebecca sighs as she says "your gonna tell her no right " I nod " I'm gonna tell her that we are not ready for that " she nods as she sits down at the picnic table we just approached.

Sarah's pov

I was in the living room with my family when my sister decides to tell us her news " so the thing I needed to tell you that I'm pregnant " we all sit in shock but then we all congratulate her .

After all the excitement my dad and sister went to go get our food and me and my mom stayed at the house and I decided to clean out Colby's suite case my mom sat on the bed as I clean out his suitcase "so did you talk to him about getting married " I nod as I reply "yes I told him how I felt about it and he said that he would have to " I stop as I see a pair of black lace panties

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