Chapter 9

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Colby's pov

I just shake my head in disbelief " I'm serious how did you know maddie " she laughs as she says "  I've been cheated on before I know all the signs"

I just  nod " and you won't tell Sarah " she nods " I won't tell Sarah but i think you should " I nod " thank you " she smiles " your welcome "  she then takes an apple out of the fruit bowl and walks  back to the living room .

Becky's pov

I finally stared feeling better around noon and I was laying in the bed when I started craving fruit so I decided to go to the grocery store to get some fruit

I finally made it to the grocery store and started to walk around looking at all the food and realized that I'm really hungry.

Sarah's pov

My sister was helping me pick out what to fix for lunch " what do you think I'm thinking vegetarian lasagna but I don't think I have all the stuff for it " maddie just smiles as she says " well why don't you make a list of what you need and I will go to the store and get it " I get a piece of paper and a pen as I say " awe thanks sis " she smiles and nods.

Maddie's pov

I just got to the store with the list that Sarah gave me and started looking for things on the list .

Becky's pov

I've been walking around the store for a while now and I still haven't found the fruit ughhh I really want fruit.

Maddie's pov

I just got lasagna noodles as I put them in my cart I see Becky lynch the wwe superstar Becky lynch I then approach her .
" Hi I'm maddie I'm a huge fan " she smiles as she walks up to me still looking around .
" Thanks its good to meet you maddie I love meeting my fans " I smile as I ask " um are you looking for something " she nods " yes actually I'm having a craving for fruit but I can't find any " I nod as I reply with " really how far along are you " she looks at me confused " what " I then explain " in your pregnancy how far along are you in your pregnancy I notice that your glowing and I'm pregnant as well and I've been having cravings to " .
She then just smiles " I'm not pregnant " I then look at her in different " are you sure because I really think you are your face is a bit puffy the cravings and like I said before you just have that glow " .

She nods and says " yeah ok umm do you know wear the fruit is " I laugh" yeah of course it's right over there next to the bakery I think it's a weird place to have fruit but I don't make the rules ".
she smiles and nods " thanks and it was nice to meet you " I nod and smiles as Becky walks over to the fruit .

I then finished getting everything on Sarah's list and then hurried back to the house.

Becky's pov

I got to the fruit and picked out a bunch of it and then I decided to get a salad to go with my fruit I then got a loaf of bread so I could make toast to go with my food because I was really hungry .

I was walking around the store making sure i didn't leave anything out when I walked by one shelve I then pick up the box and put it in my cart I then take a deep breath as i look at the box again.

Early Pregnancy Test

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