Chapter 10

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Becky's pov

I sit in the car and think about the box in the seat next to me. Could I be pregnant I mean I know I could be but am I . What if i am what am I going to tell Colby . 

I have to call Colby I can't do this alone .

Phone Call

Colby: Hey

Becky: Hey I have something important I need to talk to you about

Colby: ok go ahead

Becky: Are you by yourself 

Colby: Yes i'm outside with Kevin 

Becky: Ok um can you make time to come to the hotel                      

Colby: Yeah of  course is there something wrong 

Becky: Colby I think I might be pregnant 

Colby: What are serious 

Becky: I got a pregnancy test but I didn't want to be alone when I take it 

Colby: It's ok baby you won't be alone I'll be there with you just give me a minute to get Kevin back in the house 

Becky: Ok thank you so much baby just text when your on your way

Colby: Ok I will love you 

Becky: love you too bye 

Colby: bye 

Phone call ended 

Colby's pov 

I got Kevin back to the house then I went to mine and Sarah's bedroom and got a bag and stared   gathering up a few outfits and anything else I would  need for a few days .

I get my bag and head to the front door .  Sarah and her family are in the kitchen when I walk to the front door " Colby where are you going you promised me you would be here all weekend " I nod as I say " yeah I did but I made someone else a promise too " she looks at me with sad eyes as she says " is there something your not telling me " i nod as I say " yes there is and I owe you the truth when I come back sometime tonight to get my work stuff  I'm gonna tell you everything " with that I walk out of the house get in my car and head to the hotel . 

Becky's pov 

I sit in my hotel room waiting for Colby .

A few minutes later I hear a small knock on the door . I get up to answer it I open the door and Colby pulls me in for a hug as he kisses my forehead .

He comes in and we sit on the bed he takes my hand in his as he says " baby I'm ready when ever you are and no matter what it says we are going to be ok "  I smile at him before I  lean over to kiss him .

We kiss for a little bit before needing air became an a problem I move to take off his shirt when he stops me "No baby you need to take the test first and then if you still want after we will " I nod as I get up to get the box .

I go take the test then set the timer for five minutes we sit on the bed as we wait .

I take his hand in mine as I ask " if  I am pregnant I kinda already decided that I am going to keep the baby " he nods and says " I agree with that and as long as you let me I want to be there for everything to rub your feet when they are swollen to get up in the middle of the night to get you something to eat to take care of you in any way I can " .

I smile at the thought of him doing all of those things but then a thought came to me. " what about Sarah " he sighs as he says " I've been doing her wrong for months now its time I tell her the truth even if your not pregnant this has made me realize that if I keep us a secret forever I'm never gonna be fully happy and I'm gonna miss everything if you are pregnant and I'm ready to fully give you my heart and give up Sarah even if it hurts her because no matter what I do some one is gonna get hurt and now its time I fix my mistakes so from now on Rebecca its just gonna be me and you " I smile as we then hear the timer . 

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