Chapter 8

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Becky's pov

I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom just in time before I threw up everything I had ate the day before .

After I was finished I brushed my teeth and went back to the bed to check the time the clock it said 4:00 I sigh as I decided to go back to sleep .

Colby's pov

I woke up to the sound of crying . I sat up in bed as Sarah walked into the bedroom with our little girl who appeared to be fussy "I'm Sorry did she wake you up honey " I shake my head no " no honey of course not and even if she did I wouldn't care because you two mean everything to me " she smiles "awe Colby see aren't you glad you gave up Becky " I shake my head in confusion "what " she smiles evily "you finlay got ride of her and now we are one happy family " I shake my head " no no no no no .

I woke up and looked over to see Sarah sound asleep next te me "holy shit " Sarah moves little as she says still very much asleep "what " I shake my head as I say "nothing it was just a dream that's all " I then lay there wide awake


I jumped up and ran to the bathroom for the second time .
After I was finished throwing up I brushed my teeth again and then I went back to sleep .

Colby's POV

I couldn't go back to sleep so I went to the kitchen got me a cup of coffee and decided to play video games   .
Becky's pov


After being disturbed for 3rd time after I finished throwing up I decided to drink some water and watch a movie .

I finished my movie as my phone went off telling me I had a text .

I smile seeing that Colby sent me a good morning text .

Colby's pov

I sent Rebecca her good morning text just like I do every morning I then play videos for a little while longer before people start to wake up .

I sigh as I head to the kitchen to pit my coffee cup in the sink when my goes off I take a look at it seeing it's from Rebecca I smile " your cheating on her aren't you " I jump looking to the entrance way to the kitchen seeing Sarah's sister Maddie .

I just shake my head no " no of course not " she just looks at me as she says ".

I know that's not true I'm not as easy to trick as my sister I know your cheating on her it would explain everything why you've been so distant it also explains the lacey panties in your suit case " I just look at the ground in defeat as I nod I say "it's true you got me " she nods " you know you can talk to me about right I'm not gonna tell Sarah ".

I look at her in disbelief "your not gonna tell " she shakes her head no " I know you Colby your a really nice guy you would never  do anything to hurt sarah that's why you are lying to her let me guess your in love with this girl aren't you " I just nod as I say "yes I am ".

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