Chapter 15

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 Becky's pov 

My eyes go wide as I hear Jeff 's voice from right outside my bedroom door I reply quickly remembering that we didn't lock the door "yeah " I gasp as Colby dips his tongue  inside me " are you ready for lunch "  oh no I forgot about lunch .

Colby slows down but does not stop I then answer " no I have to change and do my makeup you can wait in the living room and I'll meet you in there " I take a deep breath trying not to moan as I hear his reply " ok I'll just go sit on the couch "  I say " ok" as I hear his foot steps move from the bed room .

I then run my fingers through his hair as I  whisper " baby I hate to speed this up but could we make this quick I promise I'll make up for it tonight " he nods as he takes my clit in his mouth I bite my lip trying to keep quiet.

It gets harder to be quiet when he pushes two fingers in me I gasped as he thrust his fingers in and out and his tongue stayed on my clit my legs started  to shake and my fingers continued to play with his hair I moaned as I  tightened around his fingers as my orgasm washed over me .

I relaxed as he climb up to give me a kiss " I'm gonna go take a shower you get ready for lunch and you can text me when y'all leave " I nod and return the kiss he smiles and gets up .

I did light makeup I was quick to get dressed then I made my way to the living room making sure I shut my bedroom door on the way out .

He stands up as he sees we walk in " are you ready to leave " I nod " yes let's go " he takes my hand and we walk out .

We pull up to the restaurant as we park we turns to look at me as he says " alright you sit here and I'll be back in a minute. 

I was confused but didn't question it I decided to send Colby a text

Text conversation

Becky : I miss you 😘

Seth :  🥰 I miss you more 😘

I was about to reply when Jeff opened my door " thank you " I say as I get out of the car .

Once I stepped out I noticed a woman and a man standing in front of the car that was right text to Jeff's.

Jeff takes my hand as he says " Becky this is my mom and dad " I smile feeling really shy .

We get in the restaurant and set down at a booth and his parents started talking about things I wasn't really paying attention I felt so uncomfortable I just wanted to be home with Colby.

Jeff took my hand in his as he says " the surprise wasn't just my parents I think were ready to take that next step in our relationship will you move in with me " .

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