Chapter 5

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Sarah's pov

I then decide to tell her the rest " no I'm not trying I've just thought about it he seems pretty distant lately and I just fear the worst and I thought that if I got pregnant with his baby he wouldn't leave me " I sigh as I finished.

My mom shakes her head " Sarah getting pregnant will not help you keep a man and there is no proof that Colby is going to leave you " I then reply " mom I just have a feeling that he might " .

She shakes her head and says " if it's meant to be everything will work out in the end " I nod .

Colby's pov

I was laying in bed with Rebecca's necked body laying next to me I looked at the clock and the time said 7:15 AM
and that meant it was time to go home .

I got my things packed up and ready to go then got my shower after I finished with that I went over to the bed to see that Rebecca was still asleep so I left a note beside her pillow gave her a kiss on the forehead before heading out. 

Sarah's pov  

I woke up to sound of the front door opening and closing. I then heard foot steps making their way to my bedroom I smile as I hear Colby come in to the bedroom .

I then sit up in bed " your home " he smiles and nod's.

 "I'm sorry it took so long but I'm here now " I nod smiling like it's Christmas " oh and do you mind if I have lunch with a friend today I kinda promised because I did not know your family was coming early ".

 I decide to let him go " of course you made a promise plus one lunch won't hurt my family they are gonna be here for a few days " . I say smiling from ear to ear maybe my mom was right everything's gonna be just fine including us   .

Becky's pov

I wake up and look to my side to see that Colby was already gone .  I  sat up and seen that there was a note by my pillow I smile knowing it's from Colby.  I pick it up and begin to read it .

Dear Rebecca 
I left around eight but you were still asleep and I didn't want to wake you call me when you wake up love you beautiful
Love Colby

I just smile and my phone from the nightstand and dial his number.

Phone call

Colby : Hello

Becky : Hey honey I got your note

Colby: Yeah good new's I'm free for lunch 

Becky: oh really

Colby: yeah so what do you say will you go on a date with me

Becky: Of course baby I would love to

Colby: Good I'll see you later I love you but I have to get back in the kitchen

Becky: I love you too bye

Colby:  Bye

Phone call ended

Colby's pov

I just got off the phone with Rebecca when Sarah walked in to the bedroom
"Honey I was wondering if we could talk " .
I nod my head as I reply " of course what do you want to talk about " she smiles nervously " Colby we've been together for three years and that's made me realize that " .
Oh my god shes gonna break up with me today might be a good day "I think it's time we get married " .


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