Chapter 19

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Colby's POV

Me and Rebecca were still in the bath cuddling just enjoying spending time together  " Becks " I didn't get a reply I look down at Rebecca and see that shes a sleep I smile as I watch her sleep for a few minutes before I decide that it's time to get out of the tub " baby it's time to get out of the bath " she shakes her head no " no I sleepy " I just laugh " well  ok miss sleepy but that's get you to the bed first "

I get Becky to bed .
I then go drain the water out of the bathtub after that I went the kitchen and was about to put our dinner in the fridge when I felt two arms wrap around my waist "I thought I put you to bed " I say to Becky as I turn around to face her "well after my nap in the bathtub I'm ready for that dinner that you promised me that we would share "  I smile and nod " of course "

I make us each a plate and we sit at the table to eat

Five minutes later there was a knock on the door " are you expecting someone " I ask Rebecca as she stands up she shakes her head no as she walks to the door looking through the window beside the door she looks at me before whispering "its jeff " I nod that's my que  to put my plate in the microwave and hide .

Becky's pov

After I see that Colby disappeared I opened the door for him to come in .

" I'm sorry it took me a minute I just got out of the shower " he nods as we walk into the living room a d sit down on the couch  " so is everything ok you just dropped me off an hour ago " he nodded " yeah I know I just realized something" I wonder what so I ask " ok so what all have you realized " I looks at me before saying " you don't trust me " I shake my head no " that's not true I do trust you "    " you don't trust me enough to let me touch you we've been together for five going on six months and they only thing I'm allowed to do is kiss you " I nod " ok maybe I have rules but that doesn't mean I don't trust you that just means I'm not ready for us to do that but your right " he sighs " Rebecca we are ready for that I know I'm ready for that step with you " I nod I give in not wanting to but also not wanting to upset him any more " ok why don't you come over tomorrow night and stay the night I would let you tonight but I'm getting really sleepy " he nods with a big smile " ok no problem becks see you tomorrow I'm just gonna go buy condoms on my way home " I nod " yep you better do that " Colby's gonna be so mad at me

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