Chapter 14

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Becky pov 

I smile up at Colby as I say " well  the plane is about to bored are you coming with me " he gives me a quick kiss before he says " of course " I smile as he takes my hand in his as we walk to the gate.

We get on the plane and sit down cludding  .
After 30 minutes went by Colby was asleep . I smile listening to him snoring he's so cute . As i was watching him sleep my phone went off .
I picked it up seeing it was a text from Jeff .

Text conversation

Jeff :  Hey beautiful . 

Becky : Hey

Jeff : I have a surprise for you 😘

Becky :  Oh really 🤔 
What would that be Mr Jeff 😂

Jeff : That would be telling let's just say that today's lunch will be one to remember.

Becky : alright can't wait

Jeff : Safe travels love you

Becky :  love you too

Jeff : See you at lunch

Becky : Ok

Text conversation over

We made it to LA then to my house .

We walk in to my house I set my purse and keys by the door .

After we got my suitcase in my bedroom Colby helped me put things away .

We got finished putting things away so I made us some coffee.

I hand Colby his coffee as we start talking " so how long are you gonna be here with me " he smiles " I'll be here until you tell me to leave " I smile at him as I ask  " so when is Sarah moving out ".

he takes a sip of his coffee before he answers " she's not I decided to let her keep the house " I set my cup of coffee down as I reply " well then what are you gonna do " 

he smiles as he reply's " well I have been thinking about that a lot the last 24 hours and I thought that maybe just maybe we could pick out a house together have a place that's ours that doesn't have history of my exs " I take his hand in mine " baby I would love that very much " .

He takes my hand and kisses it with his reply " I just felt like it was time for a fresh start and I want that to be with you and it would be weird to do that in a house that I had a girlfriend living in " I nod " yeah that would be weird I don't know how I would feel about living in that house " .

He walks over to me and gives me a little kiss " yeah well we won't have to worry about that " I nod as I kiss him back and wraped my arms around his waist as we continue to kiss .

He backs me up to the counter gently as we pull away to breathe he then trails kisses down my neck .

He then starts sucking and nibbling at the spot right under my ear I moan as I start wiggling against him " ohhh oh baby that feels so good " he wraps his arms around my waist as he says " should we move to the bedroom " I nod he then lifts me up and carry's me to the bedroom

He lays me on the bed as I pull him down on top of me  .
I take a breather as I let him undress me until I'm only in my underwear and bra which I remove both as he undressed himself .

Once we were both naked we started kissing again .

I griped the sheets as he kissed down my body he then reached my belly sticking his tongue in my belly button I moan as he spreads my legs further apart then settles between my legs .

He then leans in droping a kiss to my lower lips as I throw my head back moaning  he then gives me a long lick from my entrance to my clit I drop my hand to his head tangling my hand in his hair as he continues to eat me out
I grip the sheets even tighter as I start moaning uncontrollably

Knock knock

"Rebecca " jeff says as he knocks on the door .

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