Chapter 13

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Colby's pov 

I walked out of the hotel and sat in my car thinking about everything that just happened one minute everything is fine and then the next minute everything goes to hell .

I decided to go to a different hotel for the night .

The Next Morning 

I woke the next morning not feeling rested at all .

I was drinking my coffee as I started to think about all the things that happened yesterday .

I really fucked up my life .

 I made so many mistakes .

I told so many lies .

Thinking about all of this made realize sitting here thinking about this isn't going to make it any better blaming someone else isn't going to make me feel any better .

I fucked up bad and the only thing I could do now is try to fix it .

Right now my mind was sick my life was sick .

So what do you do when your sick you start by sweating out the fever .

That's what I had to do suck all the fever out of my life  .

So I started with Sarah .

I made it to my house and went to the bedroom to find Sarah brushing her hair " Hi honey your back " I nod  and take her hand to lead her to the bed where we sat down next to each other .

I  take a deep breath before I speak " Sarah I know your not pregnant and I know why you wanted me to think you are .                                                                                                                                     I've been lying to you for nine months and it's time that I stop I cheated on you with Becky Lynch and before you say anything I didn't do it to hurt you " .                                                                         She nods " you love her don't you " I nod  " I do and I should have been honest with you when I realized that I was in love with her instead of lying to you that was doing you and her wrong so I'm really sorry for everything " .                                                                                                                                     She nods and smiles " I forgive and I'm sorry for lying to you about being pregnant that was doing you wrong so I'm really sorry " I nod and smile at her " so I'm guess that you want me to move out as soon as possible ".                                                                                                                                      I shake my head no " that would be rude of me to kick you out of a house that we bought together and I'm kinda starting this new thing where I'm being fair and honest " .                          She laughs and says " then what are we gonna do Mr fair and honest " I laugh as I reply " I'm letting you keep the house " .                                                                                                                                    She looks at me in shock " why and what are you gonna do " I sigh " I was so unfair to you it's the least I could do and I need a fresh start " .                                                                                                            She nods and smiles " ok what about Becky " I sigh " that's a whole different story lets just say I fucked that up to and shes really mad at me "  she nods  .                                                                                    " Let me guess it's because you would't break up with me " I sigh as I nod she then continues " well sometimes actions speak louder than words " I nod " well I better leave you to spend time with your family I'm just gonna get a bag of clothes and I'll come back later this week to get my stuff " she nods before she leaves the room . 

I get my bag of clothes and head to the car .                                                                                                             

Now it's time to suck out the most sweat of all .

I go to the flower shop and  I got some roses before I head to the airport to catch Rebecca before she leaves . 

I run into the air port to see Rebecca walking over to the waiting area .                                                         I run over to her as I run up to her she turns around and shakes her head no " Colby what are you doing here "  I catch my breath "I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago " I handed her the roses as I continue " I love you so much and I'm sorry for being a jerk I shouldn't have asked you to break up with Jeff for me when I wouldn't break up with Sarah for you " she nods .

" so what is this you trying to suck up to me " I shake my head no " no this is me trying to put my life back together and fix my mistakes so I started by breaking up with Sarah "
she looks at me with love in her eyes " you broke up with Sarah for me " I nod " of course I did I would do anything for you "she pulls me in for  a kiss " you do know you can't just buy me roses every time you screw up "
I sigh " I know but then theres always sunflower's daisy's and maybe even one day tulip's " she thens starts laughing as I pull her in for a kiss.

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