Chapter 17

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Jeff's pov 

I smile as Becky stands up my mom then says " call me when you get home " I nod as we walk out . We get in the car and leave .

Becky's pov 

 I get in the car . I decide to text Colby and let him know that I'm on my way back 

 Text Conversation 

Becky : I'm on my way home I love and miss you .

Colby :  Can't wait  I might have a surprise for you love and miss you too .

I smile as I read the text he's such a sweetheart . 

I then looked out the window and started thinking about my future I'm gonna be a mother maybe one day Colby's wife I could see it now us married with three kids I would love nothing more than that .

I was looking out the window as Jeff's voice brought me out of my day dream " so what do you wanna do now " I continue looking out the window as I answer " I'm ready to go home " he nod's " ok yeah we will go back to your house and we could watch something on Netflix have a stay in movie night " I shake my head no " I'm not really feeling well so I thought I could just be alone and relax tonight " he nod's " ok maybe tomorrow " I nod " maybe if I feel better " he nod's and continues to take me home .

Jeff drops me off at my house .

I check the mail as soon as I walk inside the house I seen rose petals on the floor starting at the front door I followed them and they lead me to the bedroom I walked into the bedroom and seen rose petals all over the bed but I didn't see Colby but then I seen that the bathroom light was on I went to the bathroom to see the bath tub full of water with rose petals floating in to with candles light around the edge of the tub .

I smile as I feel Colby wrap his arms around me I turn around a lean up to kiss him " baby is all of this for me " he nod's and kisses me on the nose I smile and kiss him again " come on I  got a bath ready for us then we have to eat dinner " I smile and nod .

Jeff's pov

I drop Rebecca off then head back to my mother and fathers house .

I get there and my mother was making dinner so I sit at the table with my dad .

Mom puts the plates on the table and as we are eating she then starts to talk " Jeff how would you feel about being a dad " I give her a confused look before I answer " I don't know why would you ask that " she sighs as she says " Jeff Rebecca's pregnant 

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