Chapter 7

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Sarah's pov

I look at my mom puzzled she looks at me as she says " are they yours and just got mixed up with his stuff " I shake my head no " no I don't wear panties like this " she nods . Could Colby be cheating on me .

Colby's pov

I smile as I look at Rebecca " so want do you wanna do while your in Iowa " she thinks for a few minutes before she answers with " anything as long as I with you " I smile and nod  " okay why don't we just walk around  " she smiles and nod's we then get up to throw our trash away then we take our walk .

Sarah's pov 

I pace back the bedroom trying to find a reasonable explanation but the only one I could fined was that he was cheating on me . 

I shake my head trying to get that thought to leave I then look to my mom " mom please tell me the man that I love is not cheating on me " she sighs before speaking " I would love too but it kinda looks like he is but I don't know hell we could be way off " I shake my head no " why would he have another women's panties in his suitcase if he wasn't cheating on me " she shakes her head at me " you need to calm down and talk to Colby about this like I said you could be all wrong " I sigh " yeah maybe your right mom I just need to talk to him " I nod my head after I finish speaking .

Colby's pov 

We were siting out side enjoying the pace and quiet when Sarah texted me asking me to come home I sigh as I look over at a smiling Rebecca " Beck's Sarah just texted me telling me it's time come home " she nod's and gives me a sad smile as we get up and head back to the car . 

I drop Rebecca off at her hotel and head home when I got there she was waiting on me with a pair of Becky's panties in her hand .

She is the first to speak " Colby I found these in your suitcase when I was cleaning it out why do you have these and I want the truth are you cheating on me " I shake my head no " of course not i would't do anything to hurt you " she sigh's as she says " then why were there panties in your suitcase " I laugh as I say " Roman's always playing pranks on me like that " she smiles as she say's " thank god I knew you would never cheat on me " I smile and nod as she hugs me " someones getting a reward tonight " I laugh and shake my head no " thats ok baby not tonight I don't feel like it " she nod's in under standing  and leaves the room with a smile on her face .

I sit on the bed as I send Rebecca a goodnight text .

Becky's pov 

I got to my hotel room and decided to change in to something more conferrable .

I then was going to put on some perfume but the smell almost made me throw up so i didn't I then lay in bed as my phone goes off I smile seeing it's from Colby. 

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