Chapter 21

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Becky's pov 

I woke up the next day feeling a little nervous not only was I gonna have a night with Jeff today was my first doctors visit today me and Colby would finally see our baby . 

After I was finished getting ready I head out to find Colby sitting on the couch  " you ready to leave " I nod and just walk to the front door .

The car ride was quite I never said anything and Colby never said anything either .

When we made it to the doctors office we were still very quite we walked in and waited .

It felt like forever before they called me back but finally the did and we walked back to the back room .

We were sitting in the room when a woman walked in " hi Rebecca i'm gonna be doing your ultrasound today " I just nod my head she then gets every thing ready to do the ultrasound .

I was laying on the bed just looking up blocking out everything  I didn't even notice that Colby was holding my hand until i heard  the light noise of a heartbeat .

I quickly look to the screen and seen a little gray dot which the woman pointed to it saying " this is the baby " and in that moment nothing mattered but Colby and our baby . 

After we were done we got in the car to leave " Rebecca are you ok you have barely said a thing all day " I nod " I'm fine just been thinking " he nods " what about " I sigh " everything you know with Jeff I can't have sex with Jeff tonight " he nods and I continue " I can't do it cause I don't love him your supposed to have sex because you love that person not because you feel bad there for the only person I am ever gonna have sex with for the rest of my life is you "  .

" I love you so much Rebecca " I lean in too kiss him " I love you too Colby ".

After we got home I got ready for Jeff to come over while Colby went to our room to hide .

After I got some cleaning done I hear the door bell so I go let him in " hey becks " I nod " hi Jeff um we need to talk "  he stops and looks at me "ok what do we need to talk about " I take a big breath " Jeff I can't have sex with you tonight cause we don't have a future together cause I don't love you     

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