Chapter 18

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Becky's pov

Being home with Colby felt like heavn I've never been so happy with someone before .

Laying in the bathtub cuddle up is the best feeling in the world .

I rest my head back against his shoulder as I start a conversation " this is lovely you know just you and me " I can feel him smiling against my shoulder " yeah it is theres no place I'd rather be " I smile as he kisses my on the cheek before he asks " so how was your day " I sigh as I tell him about my day " well it was supposed to be just me and him for lunch but he surprised me with his parents so I couldn't break up with him and front of them so that didn't happen and then we went back to his parents house he and his dad played video games while me and his mom talked future babies " .

He laughs as he rubbed my shoulders
"Really " I nod " yes she actually predicted the gender of my first child " he laughs again as he asks " oh really " I nids " yeah really " he rests his head on my shoulder as he asks " so what is our baby supposed to be " I laugh before I answer his question " a boy " and I can feel him smile against my shoulder " a boy really " I nod " yep and we are supposed to have two more kids after him a girl than a boy " we both laugh as we think about what life would be like with three children .

He then starts to rub my shoulders
" so you didn't break up with jeff " I sigh " nope only cause his parents were there but I promise the next time I see him I will break things off with him " he nods " ok " I can tell he is sad that I didn't break up with Jeff I know how that feels I didn't like sharing him with Sarah so I know how he feels so I take his hand and put it on my chest sitting it over my heart " just remember baby this belongs to you not jeff or anybody else only you " he kisses my shoulder as he says " I love you " i blush " I love you too ".

Jeff's pov

I was so confused why would my mom think Rebecca is pregnant " mom why would you think that Rebecca's pregnant did she tell you that she was " she shakes her head no " no but I can tell she is just by looking at her and the ring test when I did it before I had any kids the results are slow because it hasn't happened yet so it could be wrong but after I got pregnant with your sister it was fast and same with you what I'm saying is when it predicted her first child the result was fast which means the baby is conceived shes pregnant " I shake my head no " mom you know I don't believe in that stuff and me and her have never had sex every time I want to she says shes not ready to have sex with me yet" .

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