Chapter 22

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Becky's pov 

" Jeff I care about you so much but i don't love you " he takes my hand in his " Rebecca were is this coming from " I take another deep breath " Jeff theirs someone else " he drops my hand " what no  what do you mean theirs someone else  ".    " Jeff just let me explain their is some one else and im in love with him and the only reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't want to hurt you but now that I think about it that was a bad idea because your probably more hurt now than you would have been " .

He walked away from  me to the door " I can't believe you would do this to me your a cold hearten bitch "   " no no I'm not I would never do anything to be mean " no no no no I'm not a bad person no no .

" no no no no no no no no noooooo " I say as I jump up out of the bed " Beck's are you ok " Colby asks me as he pulls me to him " yes I'm fine I just had a crazy dream " he nod's " here let me get you some water and you can tell me all about your crazy dream " I nod as he get's up from the bed and walks to the sink of our hotel room .

He brings me back a glass of water and gives it to me as he sits down on the bed right next to me  " so tell me about this crazy dream " I nod " it was so crazy in my dream Sarah and Jeff found out about us  and I ended up pregnant and so did Sarahs sister and it was just crazy  " he nods " really that would be a mess if they ever found out " I take a drink of my water as I nod "oh yeah my dream told me just how big a mess it would be if they ever found out about Our Secret Love .... 

The End  

I am ending the story here but I want to do a squeal  so let me know in the comments if you want a squeal  .

How about this if this chapter gets 20 comments I'll do a squeal to this book .

The squeal is our secret life

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