Chapter 12

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Colby's pov 

Sarah smiles as she says " I'm about 7 weeks " I nod and then she continues " baby I would love to continue this in the morning  but I better get some rest being pregnant is tiring " she then walks off to the bedroom .

I shake my head as I decided to turn around and go back to the hotel .

I make it to the hotel I walk in the room a see Rebecca's not in the bed I then look to see the bathroom light is on .

I walk into the bathroom to see Rebecca brushing her teeth I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her " you alright baby " she nods and smiles " just a little morning sickness " he looked over at the clock seeing it was 2:19AM .

"So how did it go with Sarah what did she say when you told her " I sigh " I didn't tell her " shes turns around to look at me " why didn't you tell her what happened you promised me that you would tell her " I nod " baby I was going to until she told me that she was pregnant " shes at me shocked " shes pregnant ".

 I laugh " no shes not I haven't had sex with Sarah since Valentine's day " she looks at me with wide eyes " Valentine's day was like five months ago " I nod " I know but for some reason she wants me to think shes pregnant which makes me think that she knows about us " she nods " so what are we gonna do " I shake my head and sigh " I don't know "  just then we hear Rebecca's phone ring we leave the bathroom when she picks up her phone "oh shit  with all of this going on I forgot about Jeff " I sigh " yeah me too but I think I forgot your boyfriend on purpose ">

 She rolls her eyes " get rid of Sarah and I get rid of Jeff that is the deal and has always been the deal I was gonna break up with him when I see him tomorrow well today now that it's passed midnight but I'm not now because you didn't tell Sarah " I then reply " why are you seeing him tomorrow " she throws her phone on the bed " tomorrow is Wednesday we spend every Wednesday together and you know that "

 I shakes my head no " I want you to be here with me " she rolls her eyes as she yells " AND I WANTED YOU TO BREAK UP WITH SARAH IT STINGS DON"T IT NOW YOU HOW I FEEL ALL THE TIME WHEN YOU GO HOME TO HER EVERY WEEK AT LEAST I ONLY SPEND ONE DAY WITH HIM A WEEK " she starts to crying as she continues " I love you I've been waiting nine months for it to just be me and you Colby I can't wait forever " 

 I then start crying to " baby please I'll break up with Sarah  I promise I will " She nods " give me a call when you do until then I think it's best if we take a break " I shake my head no as she takes my hand and walks me to the door " baby please don't do this " she opens the door and gently pushes me out the door " Rebecca please don't kick me out " she shakes her head as she wipes some of her tears away " Colby please don't make this harder then it has to be " with that she shuts the door .

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