Chapter 16

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Colby's pov

While Rebecca was out for lunch I decided that I wanted to give Rebecca a peace full night and maybe cook diner for her .

She deserves a peace full and romantic night and since I broke up with Sarah and she's gonna break up with Jeff we have celebrating to do .

Becky's pov  

I was shocked I didn't know what to do it would look bad to say no .

I  smile and say " maybe we could do that I think i need more time to think about it " he smiles and kisses me on the cheek  " so after lunch I thought we could go back to my parents house and visit  with them for a little while so you can get to know them better " I just smile and nod ugh this is gonna be a long day .

After lunch we went to his parents him and Jeff and his dad stayed in the living room playing video games while me and his mother sat in the kitchen talking and drinking tea " so have you thought about if you'd like to get married and have kids in the future " I smile and nod " I would love to have kids and a husband in the future a family is something I've always wanted  .          When  I was younger and even now I always said that I would only have two kids one boy and one girl so I could have one of each  and I wanted to have the boy first so that he could protected his little sister " I smile thinking of my dream family " oh sweetie that's lovely have you ever did the ring test " I shake my head no " umm no what's that's that " .

She get's up and get's a piece of yarn and takes her ring off and puts the piece of yarn through the ring so that the ring was being held up by the yarn "the ring test tells you how many kids you will have what gender they will be and the order they will be born in  " I nod as she continues " she hold it so that the ring is right above your hand and if the ring goes in a circle that means girl if the ring goes back and froth that means boy " she showed me how it works by doing it on herself the ring moved twice the first time it went in a circle and the second time it went back and froth so a girl and a boy .

She smiles and says " it was right with me so may I " she asked I nod and hold up my hand for her as soon as she put the ring over my hand it went back and froth really fast  " wow I've never seen it move that fast unless the child is already conceived  well first time for everything " I nod the ring stops but only a second before it started moving again but this time it was in a circle and very slow like it was not sure then it stopped then started moving again for the third time this time it went back and froth still very slow unlike the first time it then stops " wow sweetheart looks like you got three kids to look forward two boy girl boy " I smile right about that time Jeff walks in " are you ready to go babe ".     

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