I'm falling in love
Under the stars
In the moonlight
Next to you
Your lips pressed against mine
But it's different this time
Sparks fly
World stops
Everything fades
We don't see them coming
We don't hear them call for me
All i can hear is your heartbeat and mine
In perfect sync
What feels like half a second
Turned into ten minutes
Ten minutes of us ignoring them
Ten minutes of you on top of me
Ten minutes of them staring at us
One second for them to react
To pull us apart
My friends pry us away from each other
My heart shatters as they push you away
Yours shatters as they try to pull me away
And I hit them
I push one against a tree and run back to you
Wrapped in each other
Desperate to hold each other
And their back
Yelling this time
Yelling at you
And it pisses me off
So i hit them again
And again
And again
Until all i see is red
I hear someone's jaw crack
And she screams
But i don't stop
I feel soft hands gently pulling me away
You had to save her
I could kill her
I almost did
And i didn't regret or even stop to think
Dragged away
You're pleading with me at this point
Begging me to just stop so we can leave
Saying that it doesn't matter
That you'll always love me
But my friends that are still standing say it's over
That I'll go with them
But i won't
So i run
I run from you
From them
From everyone
Until i can't
Until i fall
Until you catch me
And then I'm safe
Wrapped in your arms
Everything else gone
Just you
Yours lips kiss mine
And i calm down
Everything stops
Everything goes silent
And the blood on my hands doesn't matter
As we pull away
Im pulled into reality
I lost my friends
You'll lose yours
And we're being pulled apart
Hate kills us
And you can't help but break down
I had to carry you back home
Through the window
To your bed
Where we spent so many nights there
Passion and warmth filled the room
But i knew we'd never escape them
So making it last was all i could do
Go as slow and soft as possible
Make the night last
Because i wanted to make sure it wasn't the last night
Morning came
And i still couldn't leave
Spent the day in your room
Wrapped around each other
Quick kisses
Soft touches
Loving stares
My phone was buzzing so much i thought it would explode
My head pounded
I couldn't open the countless messages
So i threw it out the window
It shattered
But i couldn't go down to get it
It'd only kill me
So there it stayed
In the rain
On the ground
Dancing in the rain freed us
Made us forget about last night
About my friends
We forgot everything in that hour or two
Just us
Just the rain
Just love
And then
When we come down fro the high our love provides
I wake up
I come back to my room
Because another dream haunts my mind
Poetry"But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell. I know right now, you can't tell. But stay a while and maybe you'll see a different side of me" - Matchbox 20 Poems are my way of freedom, to express myself, and all of them are here in one place, most...