My Love for Kookie

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Jimins P.O.V

I couldn't take my eyes off of Kookie the entire time we were at work. I just want to hug him tightly and tell him how much I love him. But I can't because I'm too afraid to tell him. What if I get cheated on again? What if he is just like Yuki?

What if he agrees to go out with me but he just doesn't love me in the way that I love him? What if he only wants to use me too? Would he still love me if I told him my secret? I looked down and played around with my ring.

Suddenly Kookie came into view. He was taking off his apron and hanging it up. How can he look so cute while doing that?! I want to take him home with me again because for the first time in forever I felt butterflies 🦋 in my stomach while holding someone.

I just want him with me at home so I can cuddle him for hours. I just want to keep him close to my chest and make him feel safe. He deserves the world and the perfect lover. I might not be the perfect lover but I can still give him the love that he deserves.

Such a beautiful angel... I love him so much!!! I want him for myself. Ugh! I PROMISE to make him my boyfriend. I know I'll make him fall for me. I'll make him a boy in luv. Oh my my my! He turned me into a boy with luv. 😉😉

I took off my apron and set it down so I could talk to Kookie. But when I turned around he was already gone! How did he leave that fast? I turned back around and saw him looking up at me with sparkling doe eyes. Ugh!

Why is he doing this to me?!?! He is just too cute for this world. I had to stop myself from hugging him tightly and hugging him until he can't breathe. I couldn't contain myself and I hugged him tightly.

I stopped hugging him when he said, "Hyung!! I can't breathe!!" I chuckled and let go. I can be his Genie maybe even his Aladdin he can be my Jasmine. 😉 I looked at him and asked, "Hey Kookie? Want to have a sleepover?"

I smiled widely when he agreed he looked so excited! He was jumping around and giggling like a little baby. I just love him so much right now.

Authors P.O.V

Jimin stared at Kookie the entire time he was jumping and giggling. Tae skipped to them while smiling. "Am I invited to the sleepover?!" Was what Tae would have yelled out if Jimin hadn't interrupted him halfway through his sentence.

Suddenly Yoongi walked into the cafe looking for Tae. Once he spotted his cute husband he ran to him and picked him up. Tae screamed when he felt Yoongi pick him up and spin him around.

Jimin smiled and looked over at Kookie who was watching them with a cute pout. Jimin smiled softly and asked him why he was pouting Kookie. Kookie looked over at him and sighed softly while saying, "I wish I had someone just like Tae does...I wanna feel loved and feel like I do matter to someone. I want someone to kiss and hug everyday right before coming to work."

Jimin looked at him with a soft smile and hugged him tightly. "Don't worry Kookie someone will come alone. That person is closer than you think!" Jimin instantly blushed lightly when he said that.

He started to think that he might have given away the fact that he had a crush on Kookie. But Kookie didn't think so he though Jimin might know someone that liked him. "So when should I go over to your house?" asked Kookie while heading out the door.

Jimin though for a bit then smiled and said, "How about right now? You can wear my hoodie again and some of my sweatpants if you want."

Kookie blushed lightly and nodded while smiling showing his cute bunny teeth. Jimin squealed on the inside and held his hand while running to his car. Kookie giggled and tried to make him stop but failed miserably every time he tried.

Jimin opened his car door waiting for Kookie to get in. Kookie smiled shyly at this gesture and got in while smiling. Jimin closed the door then ran to the other side and got in quickly. He turned on the engine and started to drive home.

Kookie looked out the window and saw a grocery store making him yell at Jimin to stop there. Jimin nodded and parked outside the store while Kookie ran in to buy some banana milk. Jimin ran inside and saw Kookie about to pay.

Kookie pulled out his money and set the banana milk on the counter only to have a credit card be swiped and have his banana milk payed. He looked up and saw Jimin making him pout. "Hyung!!!

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