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Jungkooks P.O.V

I open my eyes and sit up. Well that's strange. Where's Jimin? He's always here but not today. Oh!! Jimin has work today!

I giggle as I grab my phone and text Yuki.


Yuki~!!! Are you awake?

Kookie~!! It's been so long! What are you doing~?

Nothing much...
I miss Jimin though :(
He already left for work

Oh~ how cute~
Want me to come over?
I'll keep you company!

That's why I texted you~
I want a fwiend 🥺
Tae and Yoongi aren't available

I'll be there in...
5 minutes?

You're the best!
I'll make food

Bye Jungkookie~

I quickly get up then run to the kitchen. Well, try to run. Being pregnant is very no fun. Two more months... just two more.

What if something goes wrong?! What if I'm too weak?! What if... one of them doesn't make it?!?! So many things could go wrong!

I hear the doorbell and I jump. Hmm...strange. Yuki couldn't have gotten here that fast. Before opening the door I asked, "What's the password~?" The person on the other side replied, "C..cupcake?"

No that is not the password!! I suddenly hear a scream of pain and Yukis voice. I gasp and open the door immediately. I'm shocked when I see Yuki standing over the person!!!

My eyes go wide as she steps over them and kicks them in the face. I laugh a bit as she steps in and slams the door shut. "Hey Kookie! Thanks for inviting me over~," she says in a cheerful tone.

I nod and ask, "Would you like some breakfast?" She replied in an excited voice, "Of course!! Also~, I can't wait for the babies to be born!!! I'm so excited! I bet Jimin was happy when he found out~."

I blush a bit and nod as I lead her to the kitchen. Yuki sits down on a stool and looks around. I put on my apron then open my mouth to say something. A phone ringing interrupts me and I pout.

I sigh as I answer the phone, "Hello?"
"Jungkookie!! Have you eaten yet?" "Nope~. I have a guest over today! She beat up someone who tried to do something."

"Who was it?!" "Chill hyungie~. Yuki was a huge help today. Anyway~ why did you call?" "I just missed you~. I'll be home at around 7 p.m.? Something around that time." "Okay hyung~!! I love you~." "I love you even more~ my cute little pregnant husband~."

"H-hyung!! Don't call me that. You know I don't like it." "You may not like it but it's true~!!! You're cute, little, pregnant and my husband~." "Whatever~. Well bye~. I have to make breakfast for four people~." "Bye baby~. I love you and I miss you."

I hung up and blushed a bit. A laugh was heard and I spun around. Yuki asked me in a playful tone, "So 'my cute little pregnant husband' huh?" I blushed more as I faced away and began to make some pancakes.

Yuki giggled as she got some bacon and began to cook beside me. I gasp as I feel something stabbing me. I look down and see nothing. What's happening?

I feel a sharp pain in my back and I grow suspicious. My wings are summoned as I glance at them. The broken wing... the part that remains is red. I shrug it off and continue to cook. Once the food is ready, Yuki and I head to the table.

We place the food into plates and sit down. The pain in the broken wings is really hurting now. I look at Yuki and she was peacefully eating. I don't wanna disturb her so I'll stay quiet.

~Hours Later~

It's currently 6:23 p.m. and the pain has gotten even worse. It hurts so bad that I've collapsed onto the floor. I'm crying uncontrollably because every hour the pain gets worse.

I hear the front door open. Jimins home!! I muster up all the strength I have left and make my way to the front door. Jimins closes the door then takes off his shoes.

Jimin saw me and he immediately ran to me. I hugged him weakly not realizing that my wing was bleeding a lot. Jimin must have noticed because he began to panic. He touched the broken wing and I cried out in pain.

There's so much pain and I can't handle it!! I collapse onto the floor and try to get up. Why is this so hard?! Jimin helps me up and takes me upstairs. He panics more because I'm hugging my stomach and crying in pain.

I don't know what to do!! There's so much blood everywhere. I stand up a bit and feel blood running down my legs. My eyes widen when I realize... the blood isn't coming from my wings.

Jimin must have realized too because he began to sob. He quickly called an ambulance. I asked him in a shaky voice, "J..jimin what is h..happening?"

Jimin looked like he wanted to say something but stayed quiet. He doesn't want to worry me but I'm worrying!! Does...does the blood running down my legs... mean something? Is that something related to... to my babies?

We heard an ambulance close by and Jimin picks me up. He takes me downstairs then out the door. The paramedics put me onto a bed and put me in the ambulance.

Jimin sits beside me but doesn't look at me. It's like... he's afraid to look at me. After a few minutes he looks at me. His face has tears running down his face nonstop. He's covering his mouth trying not to make any noise.

I squeeze his hand and smile weakly. The ambulance stops and I'm taken out. Jimin follows close by. All of the blood I've lost is making me feel weird. Soon enough... I black out.

What do you think will happen~?
Hehe stay tuned~
I love you all~
Pearl out~

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